Caletara Atoll

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Alex turned to her friend/brother. A year — a year had passed since she made the declaration in traveling east passed Essos into the unexplored lands .. a year had passed since she promised to make it back to Daenerys for all she knew the woman was sitting on the iron throne already , maybe well she didn't know because after that declaration when she and her companion set off eastbound she had never regretted her decision not even when they were chased by rather large beasts through the plains that scared them out of their collective minds. Not then because from that little or rather large event she gained another friend. One she was quite fond off especially when she threaded her fingers through his sleek black fur.

"Did you ever expect this ?" She asked her human companion who stared in awe. Over the bank, on a island largely isolated was there buildings , stone buildings as far as the eye could see.

"No.. no I can't say that I did" their small ship, they managed to buy off from a merchant served them well in their travels . She fucking hated it so much so that she swore to create the first locomotive engine this world would ever see. No matter whether her talent lied in medical science and not mechanical engineering it mattered little. Being on a boat for 2 months would do that to a person , she often wondered whether she'd go stark raving mad but thankfully she was able to fill her days with lessons and reading the books she managed to gather from various scholars throughout their travels. She still wished to go to the citadel of course but for now her mind was rather blown by the entire civilization they were laying witness too.

"Do you think they'll kill us when we reach the shore?" She asked looking down at her panther who perked at the word kill. While she domesticated him somewhat he still was a predator.

"I believe we will find out in about 10 minutes or so" he said pointing to the people gathering at the dock.

"If we do die .. just know you're my best buddy even though I've got pantheon with me okay?" She joked weakly. Though inside she would be a fool not to be afraid of what they might find on this island.

Lance chuckled his hair had grown out and it was tied in a messy bun. He didn't look like the typical unsullied anymore instead he looked like a well seasoned warrior from some noble house with his armor and the pressed eagle sigil on his chest.

It truly was something she dreamed up but they went along with it and they created their own noble house . No land though besides the small land she received from one of the rich merchants she saved before.

"Are you ready?"

Alex wanted to scream a vehement 'no' but that gut feeling had been pulling her in this direction for the past year and she wouldn't ignore it. She only prayed it didn't lead to her death. Because that would be rather sad dying at what 26 ? Or was she 27 either way she couldn't truly remember after all the months here were completely different. She exhaled and nodded. She threaded her fingers through her panthers sleek fur. "Don't attack until I say so" there was no verbal recognition but it was clear and the panther nearly grunted which she guessed was his assent.


Their small ship docked at the bay. There were about three woman standing on the deck awaiting them. They wore long robes, covering every inch of visible skin.The only open skin were their hands and their faces and wow their faces. She thought she saw beautiful woman across Essos but Jesus Christ was there like a pool they all dipped into. Because these women were super model worthy. Ofcourse a small voice in her mind said 'Daenerys is prettier' yes she was but that didn't mean she couldn't gaze at these women beauty. And that flaming red locks.

A elbow met her gut and she grunted with an annoyed look at her partner.

"Oi what was that for Jack ass!" She seethed quietly.

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