Will I have women flocking to my feet

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Later that evening after Alexandra spent a few hours talking to Rhaegal about her problems while the dragons munched of bones of their victims. Which she staunchly ignored in favor of spilling her guts— once placated and less tense she made her way back to the Queens chambers.

Night had fallen and she needed to return to her little dwelling but before she left once more she'd rather see her Queen and be sent off with a proper farewell.

As she passed the unsullied patrolling the halls she passed her buddy Eagle who smiled and nodded in her direction.

"The queen?" She asked quietly.

"She awaits your presence my lady" she nodded in thanks

Before she left "your Valyrian gets better" she chuckled. Well she did have some help with it but she was glad she got a handle on the language.

"Yeah it is" she waved off and strolled through to the Queens chambers.
With a gentle knock to the door she was told to enter and when she did. She nearly fainted.

On the other side of the room was the queen exiting the bathtub, water droplets dripping down her milky skin looking every bit to be the stunning goddess she was. She wet her lips as she stared at the woman eyes wide open.

"Are you going to keep staring?"

She nodded unashamedly  "well when you're in view of such perfection it's a cardinal sin not to, stare that is" she murmured her pants tightened at the view, her eyes trailed down the long silky legs and the snatch between them, a patch of white hair covering her cunt. She tried very hard to not allow her libido to take over to cross the room and bend the Queen over and take her right there and then.

When a robe covered the beautiful body it snapped her from lust induced daze " I don't think I could speak to you if you're going to keep drooling Alexandra."

"Well we don't have to speak at all your grace, not at all." She purred with a salacious grin.

Daenerys chuckled wrapping the robe closed "I didn't ask you here to have you seduce me."

Alexandra chuckled "oh I don't think I'm the one doing the seducing your grace. After all you are the one who has just allowed me in here after your bath.. to see such a sight. And what a lovely sight it was."

Rolling her eyes she went to lay down of her bead against the headboard. She patted the spot beside her. "Come here" Alexandra didn't need to be asked twice she dropped her bag and removed her shoes before climbing onto the bed.

"Did you call me here to have your wicked way with me your grace?" She asked

"No.. just about what you brought to me earlier? Did you know who Tyrion Lannister was and what his family did to mine?"

Alexandra dropped onto the bed, she laid on her side and used her free hand to draw circles on the open skin before her. "I did. It's stated in those books.. memoirs , how the Lannister's played their part in killing off the house of Targaryen and crowned a false king. Robert Baratheon. I thought I'd give you the chance to bury old hatchets so to speak."

The hand on her thigh was distracting her but she kept her mind on topic "and what of Jorah?"


"The other gentlemen along with Tyrion."

"Oh the knight? Well I didn't know much about him . When I heard him being sold he was said to have beaten your departed husband in single combat. Khal drogo. I didn't really think anything of it"

"He betrayed me, he was informing someone on me, he betrayed my trust and his queen. I promised that I would kill him if I saw him again."

Alexandra stopped her ministrations "did you?"

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