Ice in my veins.

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A/N before you read this chapter. I want you to forget everything you know of the lord of light. His name and whatever else. Some truths will come to light.. I won't speak to much on it but I hope y'all enjoy it..

When she broke the ice using every ounce of strength in her arms,.. the crackling of shattering ice echoed louder in her ears louder than Danny's piercing scream, she forced herself to look back at the woman she loved once more ... the smile appearing on her face was automatic at the mere sight of the Targaryen queen.

The first thing she felt the moment the frozen floor gave way was ice penetrating her veins, her injured hand reflexively shot out.. eyes wide open with the spear sticking from her chest leaked blood— she watched with horrid fascination as her blood colored the freezing water. Her thoughts were a mess but the only one clear enough through all the white noise ' ah I'm dying.... At least I died saving Danny.. but my ending was lame..' she chuckled the action caused her to take in water making her choke. She mustered the last bit of strength and pulled the spear lodged in her chest .. ' it's always drowning.. being stabbed and drowning.. I wonder whether the after life will be kinder. I hope there's anime.' her eyes closed finally giving in to the feeling of certain death creeping into her veins.

As Alexandra gave in and allowed herself to sink deeper into the depths of the lake, a white humanoid specter reached from the depths pushing its palm flat against the back of the sinking woman. The specter disappeared into the body.Alexandra's right forearm shot out once more this time her arm alight with a golden glow lighting up the darkness,a golden chain slowly wrapped itself around the forearm while the remaining links grew in length heading towards the surface..


Daenerys didn't know how she felt, everything happened so fast , she dived away from the javelin heading toward Drogon, she fell to the ground and in doing so was nearly attacked by the wight walkers.. Alexandra.. her Alexandra.. her everything came to her aid urging her to run.. and then—-

"Daenerys we must go! She's gone I'm sorry but she allowed us an opportunity to leave. The wight walkers can't cross and they're leaving we need to .. the weather will only worsen." Said Jon trying to get the woman from her daze.

She could hear the words being said but she couldn't process anything.. not only did Viserion her child die but Alexandra..

"I ... I .." she tried — her tears hadn't stopped rolling down her cheeks, she was sure it would freeze on her cheeks and she wouldn't care. Alex gave her life to save hers.. Alex took the spear that was meant her.. when she was frozen with fear at the pole sticking from Alex's chest .. Alex had sent her towards Jon..

"She.. died.. she died for me... because of me.." she whispered brokenly "she .. died.. because of me.." the moment the words left her mouth it felt like her heart shattered like the ice did..

"Jon look!" Beric pointed at a golden chain shot from the water falling towards them.

Daenerys eyes widened At the chain.

"Why do you have a chain tattooed onto your arm? And when you punished Daario Naharis.. it was the same chain that magically disappeared into your right forearm?" She looked to Alex who shot her a secretive smile.

"Well .. let's just say that the chain of wraith.. is a piece of inheritance of some sort."

Daenerys rolled her eyes at the vague description "does it come when it's called? Or .." she noticed the pensive look on Alex's face as she stared down at the tattoo.

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