I've overstayed my welcome.

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The entire night Alex remained by grey worms bedside , she was surprised he didn't catch a fever throughout the evening, or any bacterial infection considering how filthy the area was she operated in.

The door opened again this time instead of Missandei who had been in and out the entire evening , the Queen herself stood there hands clasped before her. Her face set into an hard expression, one Alex wasn't privy to before.

"Your grace" she greeted.

Daenerys noted the slight dark rings under Alexandra's eyes "have you slept?"

"No, I needed to make sure Dickless survived the evening and now that he has I have to check on Eagle and my other patient at the brothel." She said standing up to her feet. Still wearing yesterdays clothing , she definitely needed a bath before heading out.

"The unsullied are gathering the heads of every family, they are suspected to have some connection to yesterdays attack. It's not safe for you outside."

Alex sighed "Your grace , I can't in good conscience not check up on the girl, she had a rather nasty cut, she lost about a liter of blood. I need to make sure the stitches are holding and she hasn't caught an infection."

Daenerys frowned "Why are insistent on disobeying my orders?" 

Alexandra slung there bag over her shoulder "I'm not, I'm just a doctor. I need to do what needs to be done. Like you , we all have our roles to play." She shrugged. "Mine is doctor and yours is queen and protector of the realm and all that"

Alexandra passed the queen but Daenerys grabbed her forearm "Take three guards with you."

"Are you worried about my well-being your grace?" A smirk curled at the corners of Alex's mouth.

"You are a healer, one who has shown their value. I need you to remain safe." Deflected Daenerys.

Alexandra chuckled, 'Tsundere' came to mind but there was no way the Queen would understand "I'll take three unsullied with me, I'll check on the girl and I'll come right back. Would that make your grace happy?"

Daenerys's eyes narrowed slightly at the tone "Are you being sarcastic?"

Alexandra leaned down, her lips hovering by the shorter woman's ear "Nope." She dropped a daring kiss near her ear "but I need to leave if your grace wants me back as soon as possible." She retrieved her arm and left the room, leaving behind a slightly flustered and confused Daenerys.

After getting some clothes and washing her face she found herself looking and three new unsullied guards with the addition of eagle. "Eagle my man, you need to stay here— you were wounded yesterday. There's no need for you to accompany me." She waved off but Eagle was a stubborn guy and forcefully shook his head.

"Tsk, stubborn, fine do what you want. Come on my Dickless buddies we have a pretty girl to see" she said joyously and left the pyramid with guards surrounding her.

After her visit to the brothel where she gave the woman a herb mixture that would stave off any infection, she checked the wound area and was happy that it looked to be healing quite well.

She asked Eagle to translate to make sure her doctors orders would be taken seriously and understood. Which reminded her to learn the language, particularly Valyrian.

"Alright darling, you're healing well. I think it goes without saying your can't entertain any clients not until your wound has properly healed. Any strenuous activities will aggravate it and reopen the stitches alright?" She looked to Eagle who translated as best as he could when the woman shot something back.

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