Good and evil

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Alexandra stared absently at the ceiling. Her hand gingerly fingering the bandage, it wasn't hurting as much anymore but it was still hurting. Did this mean those changes were happening? Did she suddenly get a boost of brain power or something?

No it didn't feel like it if anything she felt about the same as usual.

'Do I really have to say brainpower on or something' she cringed just thinking of it.

Deciding to close her eyes and heave in a calming breath. One two three.. exhale one two three inhale.

"Nothings happening"

She swore she could hear a cackle somewhere . Scrunching her nose in distaste she was about to say those cringeworthy words but she didn't get a chance too before her brain felt like it was being pierced with ten thousand needles . Pain was not her friend and she was no masochist. So she screamed for mercy holding her head trying to get the agony to stop.

There were muffled sounds around her but she paid no mind, actually she couldn't pay it any mind not when she was screaming bloody murder. Her head burst, each prick was tantamount to a spear being stuck directly into her hippocampus, Cerebral cortex and Cerebellum and other parts at the same time.



Warm tears rolled down her cheeks as she continued to scream and hold her head while moving wildly trying to find a modicum of relief.

"Fuck!" She choked out through her screams.

After what felt like forever the pain slowly ebbed away before disappearing entirely leaving behind the memory or being mind fucked repeatedly.

Missandei's voice sounded in her ears, it was muffled as if she was underwater, she tried to making out what the woman was saying. She couldn't see clearly either or well enough to lip read, not when her eyes were foggy with tears.

Missandei gripped the doctors shoulders trying to calm her, but she heard pure agony in her screams. She didn't want to bother the queen not when she was busy in an audience with two potential allies.

"Alexandra can you hear me? Are you okay ?"

Blinking the blonde manage to stop her screams holding her head gingerly as she processed everything. There wasn't much difference in fact everything looked the same, but she was processing things much faster than usual.

"Yeah ...I'm ...I'm ..fine" she grunted out shaking off the translators concern.

"You don't seem fine, your screams sounded like you were dying.."

Alex chuckled hoarsely. Blindly reaching for the jug of wine her buddy brought her earlier she brought it to her lips trying to wet her very parched throat.

She spilled a few drops that made its way down her throat and she finally managed to open her eyes to look at her caretaker. Who seemed weary.

"I'm .. I just had to go through something. Technically I died so you know there's bound to be scars after." She explained weakly. It was unbelievable but she figured it was the best way to explain considering she couldn't exactly say she was granted a booster of some sorts . No matter how eloquent she would put it , it would sound like she was stark raving mad.

"You might've aggravated your wounds"

Alex popped open a few buttons of her shirt to peek at the stitches and how it was holding. She was surprised, no not surprised damn shell shocked that the skins seemed to all knitting together.

This was not the planजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें