Im so awesome

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Alexandra sat uncomfortably on one of the horses they had taken from the Dothraki. Since the queen all but declared her as queen and killed every khal. She idly wondered when she became so detached in regards to death, she didn't think she was detached but rather .. justice? Either or she shook away those thoughts for now .

She ignored cheerio and the Jorah fellow. Her ass was much to sore to be focusing on the extra . She idly wondered whether she could convince Danny to get a saddle for the dragon soaring above them.

"I wonder how my clinic is doing" she murmured as the hose strode forward beside her cheerio stared at her with disdain.

"We don't know, since you took the queen out of the city we needed to come here"

Alex shot an annoyed look at cheerio "Well I didn't expect Rhaegal to fly out so far , nor did I expect her grace to just let us go with the Dothraki. I'm entirely out of my depth here. After all I'm just a surgeon." She muttered.

"And I apologized but out of it I nowgained a another army Alexandra." She looked over to Danny

"And I believe a promise was made in the heat of that situation your grace."

Danny smiled mischievously "one I will deliver on , a promise I will keep."

Alexandra laughed softly "good, I'd hate to see you renege on that particular promise your grace." She looked at Jorah "what will you do with him?"

"He's returned twice, after being banished and both times he helped and saved me." She said quietly. Striding beside Alex "I cannot decide what to do. What would you have me do?"

Alex stared at Jorah "he looks ill, his skin color , the whites of his eyes — According to my own medical opinion he's hiding something most likely health related. "

"You believe he might have a illness?"

Alex nodded "speak to him, if he came all this way to save you . His devotion to you must be rather insane. As for cheerio" she said pointing to the man in question "I think he's just looking for an opportunity to kill me though"

Danny's face hardened "they will not lay a finger on you. If they did I'm sure Rhaegal would burn them to ash." Alex looked up and noticed the dragon still keeping pace.

"He does seem rather fond of me doesn't he?"

"He is as am I." Promised Daenerys softly. Alexandra reached out and squeezed her hand.

"Alright your grace, speak to them . While I'll try and not fall off the horse."

Danny laughed "I didn't want to say, but you do look rather uncomfortable. Have you never ridden a horse before?"

Alex groaned "we have cars, trains and buses. There was no need to ride a horse unless you enjoy equestrian events. I never flew a dragon either but I guess since I've been here there's lots of firsts. Most likely won't be the last."

"Am I the first queen you love too?" She asked quietly.

Alex smiled softly "you're the only queen I'll ever love and swear my allegiance too." She promised seriously.

They shared a smile before Danny looked forward and rode out to Jorah. Beside her cheerio fell back in line.

"What you have will never last" she ignored the man

"Is that your jealousy rearing its ugly head?"

"She will marry someone worthy of her, she will sit on the iron throne and you will be tossed away when she no longer needs you." She turned to look at the man. The sneer on his face unmistakable. She slipped her scalpel in her palm. She idly twirled it with practiced ease.

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