Ill make my intent clear

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The day after her dream which she had a hard time forgetting. every time she closed her eyes she could still see those titans battling it out. She didn't know why and what it meant but she was scared, it terrified her. Their strength was sure they would destroy worlds, she could only hope and pray it was her tired mind making her dream up these scenarios.

"Are you ready?" The question snapped her from her reverie. The city was preparing for her coronation, she was sure these women just wanted a reason to break out the liquor because the festival was too much work in her opinion. But she wouldn't stop them, they were happy and celebrating. Because if everything went according to plan then soon they'd be able to leave this pocket of space and return to the real world.. hopefully.

"I suppose.. but can you ever be ready to be crowned as queen?"She asked Lance who stood beside her on her balcony looking over the city center. The streets and buildings were decorated with her sigil, tonight the ceremonial fires would be lit, they'd be a fire dance in her honor. And also in honor of the island. Then the island would move ... how ? She had no fucking clue but she shelved her doubt by smiling and nodding her head. Either way, if all else failed there were a fleet of ships that could be used to leave the island although it would pain her to leave behind such a wonderful piece if architecture.

"I wouldn't know.. I don't think I'll ever be crowned queen" he quipped dryly.

Alex snorted and snapped his shoulder "you're my blood brother so does that make you a prince?"

"No, it makes me your loyal warrior until we return.. speaking of the council meeting your grace called is gathering" she stiffened

"Don't call me that"

"Your grace?"

She nodded shortly turning her eyes back to the women happily decorating the streets.

"It's your title alex, I can't call you anything else when we're in the presence of your subjects." He reasoned.

Alex sighed "then when we're alone, you'll call me alex as you always have, no need for these formalities between us." She said firmly not wanting to take a no.

He nodded "of course if it makes you happy then when in private I'll call you alex.."

Alex went to reply but there was a knock on the door. "Enter" in stepped Kate. She wore a polite smile when she looked at Lance but it turned more genuine when she looked at alex.

"Your grace, the council is ready."

"Thank you Kate.." she said and turned to Lance "you'll be joining . I won't be talking about what you don't already know."

"Of course your grace" the little bastard, alex could see the mirth in his eyes as he called her by the title.

"Bastard" she sniffed "come pantheon .. let's go" she looked to Salazar who seemed to be find with lounging in the sun "I suppose you'll remain here?" The was no move from the snake alex sighed "so damn lazy the lot of you"

In the council chambers , the three sisters keepers of the legend , Ava: the first woman of the island , Joanna leader of the weapons guild , Lizelle the head of the hunting parties, Rose the Head of the queens guard all sat around the table. When she entered they raised and bowed she waved them off . As she she took a seat at the head of the table. Lance remained by her right side as pantheon took her left.

"Good evening.." she started "I know you all have questions .. I summoned you all here because each of you have a say in your various groups you lead." Alex was nervous she'd be asking these people something rather large. "Across the narrow sea to the west. There is a queen.. I have pledged myself too. I told her that I would help her ascend the iron throne and rule the seven kingdoms" She put up her hand stopping any protests "I made this pledge unaware of what lied beyond Essos, beyond east. And even now I will keep that promise but I cannot simple abandon you all when I have only just found you."

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