Wake up

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Alexandra stared up at Raygon suspiciously "what do you mean? When you say I have a choice? Is it like I have a choice to go back to my own world or go back there to Danny?"

"Well.. no not exactly. You're pretty much dead on your earth. They mourned you, you had a lovely ceremony. A casket without a body though. So you can't exactly go back, because you know the dead simply can't come back to life." He said.

Alexandra shut her eyes, she felt the loss, but not as badly as she thought she would. Her father was long dead and she didn't have any other attachments besides her uncle but he was alright he had Phil to keep him company. "I see" she murmured sadly.

"Don't cry though.."

She scoffed "I'm not crying, I'm just mourning for my life is all.. so what did you mean by this choice?"

"Well considering I basically made a mistake I'm willing to help you out by giving you something." He said with a grin "I could offer you future knowledge .. you know on what's going to happen there when you go back, I've seen it but nothings set in stone there's a few paths that would lead you to other paths etc. etc" he said with a wave of a hand.

"Or I could give you a let's say booster?"


Raygon nodded his head seriously "humans are capable of wonderful things. You know. They have the capability to do and create such feats if only they used the mind and unlocked it properly. You in particular ."

Alexandra gaped "what like magic or are we talking about esper level powers here?"

Raygon shook his head "not magic no, but I am willing to unlock your mind. Your brain. You're a genius compared to most of the people on your earth. Your IQ level is high but not the highest at the moment I would say you're using about 10 maybe 12 percent of your full brain capacity. If you able to able to use more what do you think will happen.?"

Alexandra blinked she didn't know whether this was real or not but when she thought of it she could barely comprehend everything she could accomplish "I could find cures to diseases, I could build, create push them forward into the age of industrialization most likely."

Raygon grinned "You could or you could use that to take the throne for yourself"

Alexandra scoffed before she laughed, and laughed until she held her stomach in pain. "Dude you must not know me because I don't ever think I'll want a throne. I'm happy with being able to research and discover. I've always been happy doing that, if I can help build a better world sure .. that's what I want. But I don't want to sit on a throne and rule." She shook her head refusing the very idea.

Raygons grin never faltered "see well I knew you'd say that. Because in every timeline I offer it you refuse it. Aside from you not wanting to rule is it because you want the dragon queen too?"

Alexandra chewed her lip, "I want to say yes but at the same time you could've dropped me in kings landing. At the current king or in Stannis Baratheon's lap before he fell of course. But you didn't you dropped me in Meereen where the dragon queen broke chains and freed the slaves."

Raygon didn't commit to an answer "maybe or maybe it's wasn't intentional at all."

Alexandra chuckled "maybe yeah.. but my choice is the same. Daenerys could rule, she could sit on the iron throne and lead the people of the seven kingdoms into a better future one where no wars are the go to, where children can live with their parents instead of having the cities razed to the ground and being made orphans. I'd like her to have it. But right now she's still young, she's prone to make mistakes. She has people by her side that's too afraid to tell her when she's making a mistake.. she needs help.. and as long as she wants I'll be there to help in my own way."

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