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Getting Isaac out of jail wasn't going to be as easy as they'd originally thought

Whilst Rachel had been contemplating the idea of gouging her eyes out with a pencil in english class, Scott & Stiles had been following through on their plan of finding out more information on the police's investigation. In hindsight, it all seemed like a great idea; if they had no evidence, the police would have to release him; providing no witnesses came forward.

Problem number one hundred point five came in the form of a boy Rachel had hoped not to encounter again for awhile. After her day-long guilt trip for nearly killing him, she was pretty well done with him; until he decided to give the police some incriminating evidence against Isaac. According to Scott, Jackson hadn't strayed from his usual asshole self, recapping that Isaac's father was "kicking the crap out of him."

Upon learning the aforementioned information, Rachel's instinctive response wasn't to kick the crap out of Jackson for not telling someone (like it probably should've been.) In fact, her first thought was of the person who'd caused the problem to begin with; her brother. If indeed the information Jackson told the police was true, Rachel had finally discovered yet another missing piece of the jigsaw puzzle.

She knew why Isaac had been out in the rain, (a fight with his dad) and she knew why Derek had picked him, (because teenagers have the best chance of survival) but she never fully understood why Isaac said yes. As far as she knew, Derek told him everything from the hunters, to the pain of transforming. Of course the offer of becoming a creature of the night would be tempting, but with the two cons combines, it wasn't worth it to Rachel.

But to someone being beaten by the last surviving family member? It'd be an escape. A chance to become powerful, and a chance to be strong enough to defend themselves. Rachel felt sick just thinking of the possibility of that being the reason her brother had chosen Isaac. It made sense, but she didn't want to believe it. She didn't want to believe that Isaac's dad beat him, and she didn't want to believe that Derek had reached the lowest of all lows.

Rachel had to know for sure. She needed proof that the information wasn't just another illusion, this time induced by the immense amount of stress, combined with her one hundred problems. She had to see it for herself, and in order to do that, she had to find out what really went on in the Lahey house. If what Jackson said was true, then there was going to be evidence of something. Rachel wasn't entirely sure she wanted to know what that something was, but her options were dwindling.

With Jackson's statement, it wouldn't be long before the police did a search of the house. And if they did happen to find anything, they could very well use it to not only keep Isaac in a holding cell overnight, but they could build an entire case against him. If Detective Tanner managed to lock up Alison DiLaurentis for a murder she didn't commit, then surely Sheriff Stilinski could find a way to lock up Isaac. Even if there wasn't a psychopath planting evidence, there was a something supernatural (and very lethal) lurking within the shadows, and that qualified as the same thing in Rachel's mind.

Hearts didn't lie, and Isaac was no exception. He didn't kill his father, and Rachel intended on proving that; even of she had to land herself in a holding cell, too. (or an actual jail cell, if she got caught in the act of breaking & entering)

And that's why Rachel soon found herself standing just beyond the front door of the Lahey house, with regret hanging heavily on her shoulders. She felt like she didn't belong; almost as though she were an intruder. Even if the house had no occupants, she still seemed to be intruding on the mere emptiness. Her heart was in the right place, but her methods were becoming slightly unorthodox, courtesy of Stiles & her brother. Between Stiles' ways of defying the law on a daily basis, and Derek's habit of breaking into peoples' homes, Rachel was certain she'd soon find herself on a blacklist in the police station (that is, if she wasn't already on one.)

Unspoken ▹ Teen Wolf [01]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang