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Rachel was fighting a war. A war within her mind, fighting to the death over a simple, yet possibly deadly decision. What she chose could easily decide her future, whether she survive to tell Derek how much she actually does love him, and that her hatred is a mere sibling rivalry act, or if she simply gets a bullet through her head.

To ring the doorbell, or not to ring the doorbell.

Acknowledging her presence on the doorstep of Stiles' house could easily get a gun shoved in her face if Sheriff Stilinski were to answer. However, it could also scare the living shit out of Stiles.

Rachel couldn't decide if the risk was worth the possible reward.

It wouldn't be the first time she's been face to face with the barrel of a gun, and if wouldn't be the first time she's been shot for defying the order of "back away slowly." The only downside is, her wound would very possibly become a fatality seeing as how Derek had left before she could reflect some werewolf abilities.

She'd decided she was better off that way. Going to visit Stiles with claws & fangs probably wouldn't be in her best interest. After all, she was only there to talk; and talking was a rather challenging activity with outrageously oversized canines.

Her hand hesitantly hovered over the doorbell, the mental was ceasing as Rachel sighed & muttered to herself. "This is stupid. Just ring the bell, Rach. The worst thing he can do is either not answer or slam the door."

Before she could choose; to run or to ring; the door swung open to reveal an extremely frightened & confused Stiles. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I said I was going to help you study." Rachel answered with a shrug. She hadn't entirely been lying in the cafeteria earlier that day; the only exceptions were that she didn't intend on teaching regular history.

If Stiles thought he could Google werewolves & suddenly be an expert, she was going to set the record straight. Derek may have said to withhold the truth from Scott, but he didn't say anything about the cute, yet spastic sidekick.

"I- I have perfect grades." He deadpanned, staring at the girl in complete & utter shock. He hadn't expected her to actually show up, let alone still stick to her original cover story. "And I gotta go- I'm meeting someone in a few minutes."

"Who?" Rachel questioned, a smug smile on her face. She'd heard his heart skip a beat, and she knew full well that it'd been a lie to get rid of her.

"Someone.." Stiles trailed off, unsure of who he could say besides Scott; who'd gone off on his "hang out" with Allison, Lydia & Jackson nearly 4 hours ago. "My dad's gonna be home from work any minute now."

Rachel listened for the distinctive skip, but her eyes widened as it never came. He was telling the truth. "Let me in."

"Nope- not happening." He shook his head, attempting to slam the door. Rachel jammed the heel of her boots in the way, allowing herself a bit more time.

"Look, you've got questions & I've got answers." She stated, looking pleadingly at Stiles. His expression didn't change, though she could feel the door being pushed harder on her foot in attempt to fully close it. "Stiles!"

"No. I'm not inviting you in, I'm not opening this door & I'm sure as hell not spending time alone with you or your psychotic brother."

"It's vampires that need to be invited in & last I checked, they were all still dwelling in the fictional town of Mystic Falls." Rachel snapped, stuffing her hands into the pockets of her leather jacket. "I'm not a werewolf, Stiles. If you want proof, go get your little wolfsbane rope. Y'know; the one you stole from my sister's grave - thanks for that, by the way. Sharing a cell with Derek for 4 hours was a real bonding experience."

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