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The rest of the night had been eventful, to say the least.

To start the string of extremely unfortunate events; firstly, Stiles had been forced, by Derek, to break his circle of mountain ash, which for some reason, he had begun to speak of as though it was one of his biggest accomplishments. The initial request had been brought up after the alpha had overheard a roar from Scott; who according to Derek, was in dire straights.

Rachel had heard it too, although unlike her brother, she'd assumed the pain was Allison-related. It wouldn't have been the first time she'd heard Scott crying (well, howling) over the huntress breaking his heart, and seeing as how her werewolf-killing parents had made a guest appearance, it also wouldn't have surprised her if Father Crossbow took a shot or two at him. But Derek had insisted otherwise, leading Stiles to break the circle; and inevitably allowing the Kanima & it's master to escape with more blood spilled. The party's promoter, Kara Simmons, had been found dead shortly after the party ended, leaving the group at a loss as Derek returned with a breathless Scott; who'd nearly been killed by a wolfsbane-induced asthma attack.

Rachel had nonchalantly wandered off before Derek got the chance to call the "I told you so!" of all "I told you so's."

After that, the plan had been officially deemed a failure, & everyone had gone their separate ways. Derek had taken his betas, along with Scott back to the warehouse, Allison never returned to discuss the aftermath, Rachel had disappeared entirely & Stiles had gone home. Being the only (normal) human in the group, he was exhausted & ready to pass out as soon as he hit the mattress. In fact, that was all he thought about the entire drive home; sleep.

Upon arriving to the aforementioned building, Stiles was quick to park his jeep in it's usual spot, before hurrying out of the cold & into the warm house. He wished a quick goodnight to his father, explaining that he'd been studying at Scott's house (which Sheriff Stilinski had instantly deemed a lie & assumed they were playing video games for three hours). Nonetheless, he managed avoided the "how was your day, son?" conversation with little collateral damage, and in a matter of minutes, he was hurrying upstairs to his room.

Going along with the usual routine of returning home, he tossed his backpack off to the side, before tugging off his shirt & tossing it onto a pile with various others from the past week, unaware that he wasn't entirely alone in the room. Normally he'd leave his t-shirt on if he knew Scott was coming over, or expected Derek to randomly appear in the room; but seeing as how they'd left the rave together with Erica & Isaac, and it was the night before a full moon; (not to mention, nearly midnight) he assumed neither of them were going to make an appearance.

Walking over to the dresser at the end of his bed, Stiles retrieved a pair of pyjama pants in his signature plaid, changing quickly & tossing his old blue jeans on the pile with his t-shirt. He could still smell the ashes on them from across his room; which had gotten there when he'd accidentally spilled some of the mountain ash on his pant leg. To his surprise, the black ashes both stained, and stunk.

The sound of wind whipping lightly at the curtains caught Stiles' attention as he turned to the window, soon recognizing that it was opened as wide as possible. Hedidn't remember leaving it open that far. Sighing, Stiles brushed it off, assuming it'd been done by his father. Without question, he shut the window entirely, flicking the lock to ensure one of the various supernatural creatures wouldn't sneak in while he was unconscious- it wouldn't be the first time, and sadly, it wouldn't be the last.

⠀⠀⠀⠀However, tonight was the only exception. Everyone was accounted for, the window was locked & his father was downstairs; there was no way in hell someone (even the Kanima) was going to sneak in & kill him. At last, he was alone- completely undisturbed, and able to sleep & dream about Lydia (although he wouldn't admit it- everyone knew) in peace. Flicking the lights off, Stiles exhaled loudly on way back over to his bed. Everything that was going on was truly exhausting; not just physically, but mentally. Scott had nearly died tonight at the hands of his (ex)girlfriend's mom, and that wasn't even the worst part.

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