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Rachel found her way back to Lydia's backyard in minutes, her mind racing at the speed of light.

Allison had left shortly after mumbling a string of incoherent words which Rachel believed to be along the lines of "text from my dad.. emergency.. find scott." which had led the reflector not to push further; if it was considered an "emergency" in the eyes of professional werewolf hunters, then it was likely something she didn't want to know of during the full moon. Although, she couldn't help but feel a slight sense of worry alongside the faint consideration that said emergency could be one that involved her brother- or worse, the three betas.

Still, she found herself wandering into the backyard, just in time to see Stiles get dunked in the pool, whilst Scott stood by & watched like the good friend he was. Though she felt a strong desire to do so, Rachel had opted not to question the ordeal as moment later, Stiles was evidently 100% sober (and thoroughly pissed off). It seemed to be just in the nick of time, too, as a new problem made itself known amongst the trio as they realized the severity of the situation.

Lydia had put wolfsbane in the punch, and then knowingly gave it to everyone at her birthday party. Nearly everyone in attendance was going out of their mind confined within a hallucination of varying intensity, and the culprit herself was absolutely nowhere to be seen. Immediate panic set in once again as Rachel, Scott & Stiles quickly began searching, but it was too late; Lydia had vanished, and the only sign of her ever being there was the punch bowl, still littered with little purple petals of wolfsbane.

"She's gone." Rachel deadpanned, slightly out of breathe after speed-walking her way through the entire Martin household in search of her strawberry blonde friend. "Hell, I'm beginning to think the only reason she was here in the first place was to drop a bouquet of wolfsbane in the punchbowl & shove a glass in everyone's hands."

"I can't find her anywhere." Stiles muttered, joining Scott & Rachel back where they'd originally split up. "And anyone who drank that crap- they're freaking out."

"Of course they are, you idiot. Wolfsbane of all kinds is outrageously poisonous to humans, almost as much as it is to us." She huffed, shooting a quick glance as Scott before returning her glare to Stiles. "Didn't you spend like, 3 weeks Googling this crap after learning about werewolves?"

Ignoring her comment, Stiles turned to Scott. "What the hell do we do?"

"I don't know, but we gotta-"

"I can't swim!" A voice screamed, interrupting Scott. The trio spun around, only to be met by the sight of a very panicked Matt Daehler, being thrown into the pool by a few unfamiliar members of the lacrosse team. The second he resurfaced, an array of strangled cries & repetitions of the word "no" could be heard, matching perfectly with the scene of him thrashing wildly in attempt to stay afloat.

Even Rachel, who hated swimming (but still learned how, to avoid situations such as the one she was currently witnessing), knew full well that all it took to float was to lie still; but something told her that trying to tell those simple instructions to Matt was going to be absolutely useless. But just as she was about to step forward to help, (despite the faint voice in the back of her head telling her not to) Matt was pulled from the water.

Out of breath, the teen stayed in place for a moment, gasping in deep breaths of oxygen before turned to see the rescuer; Jackson Whittemore, who was anything but concerned for the dripping wet, near-death victim beside him. Instead, Jackson's glare was fixated on the group of Stiles, Scott & Rachel, (though the brunette had directed her gaze elsewhere, to avoid an awkward guest appearance of her silver eyes) shooting metaphorical daggers so sharp, Rachel swore she could feel actual pain.

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