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As it turns out, finding Jackson was actually the challenging part of the night.

Rachel hadn't expected it to go so smoothly, but aside from the array of paralyzed partygoers, catching Jackson was surprisingly easy. In fact, he conveniently fell unconscious right beside Stiles's jeep, that is, after Derek showed up & slit his throat. Thanks to him, not only was there blood on the dance floor, but there was also a trail of it leading out to the powder blue jeep, as if the colour didn't draw enough attention to it already.

Unsurprisingly, the alpha had been amongst the many supernatural creatures in the Jungle. What did surprise Rachel, however, was the fact that she hadn't noticed him. Sure, he was good at hiding; but a werewolf's scent always stood out in a crowd. After a bit of thinking, though, she brushed it off, due to the fact that the drag queen's outrageously strong perfumes had nearly rendered her scent-blind.

Although, as of exactly how Derek knew the Kanima was in the Jungle, that was a whole other mystery that had yet to have been deciphered. The easiest assumption to go with, was Rachel's theory; that it was more than likely that he'd followed Scott's scent there, seeing as how the lizard of interest had no specific scent. She still couldn't figure out how that worked, and in all truth, she really didn't want to.

Once the chaos had begun, Rachel, taking after Stiles' mischievous ways, had hidden herself amongst the spazzing partiers, in hopes that the fear & alcohol would mask her scent, much like it had done for Derek. As much as she wanted to assist the aforementioned hyperactive boy & his friend in doing damage control, she couldn't risk being seen by her brother. The last thing she needed was for Derek to drag her out of a gay bar, especially when he was all wolfed up.

Now that would be a panic at the disco.

But luckily, he'd left not long after, leaving her free to retreat to Stiles' jeep, where she was not-so-nicely greeted with the sight of a very unconscious, very human & very naked Jackson Whittemore. Even after Stiles had put pants on him, (he'd been the one to lose in a three way game of rock, paper, scissors) Rachel refused to sit in the back seat with him. That'd resulted in another game of rock, paper, scissors, (this time not including Scott, for a reason neither of the teens could decipher) which Stiles had promptly lost. Rachel may or may not have threatened his life if he didn't choose paper & let her win, but that was a minor detail.

Following that debate, there'd been another minor detail to the story, which came in the form of a bump in the road with their not-so-flawless plan. Stiles had found himself in the company of his father at yet another crime scene, one of which was pretty far from the teen's usual hangout. The sudden interrogation had led Stiles to concoct another lie, before making a quick getaway back to his jeep.

It was more than safe to say he was getting pretty close to Rachel's level in hell, but for the time being, that fell unnoticed as they moved onto yet another of their countless disastrous plans. Stiles had brainstormed the genius idea of stealing a prison transport van in order to contain Jackson for the night, and following day, up until they could find a way to stop him from becoming the Kanima & killing people.

The night had gone relatively well, except for the part where Stiles returned home in order to throw off suspicion with his father, leaving Scott & Rachel to take turns punching Jackson in order to keep him unconscious. As a matter of fact; that'd been the best part of the night, in the Hale girl's opinion. Scott felt bad, but in all honesty, Rachel probably enjoyed it more than she should've. She really hated Jackson, and despite the whole Kanima situation being her fault, she wasn't going to pass up an opportunity to punch him.

Around 3am, it was decided by Scott that they'd simply tolerate Jackson's whining until morning, because hitting him wasn't working. He was starting to wake up more frequently, whilst the teen wolf was growing concerned that they'd eventually trigger his Kanima side; and though they were werewolves, they wouldn't stand a chance. If it could withstand a rainstorm of bullets & an attack from a very angry alpha; Rachel was beginning to think it was impossible to kill.

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