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To say Rachel hated her uncle, would be a treacherous understatement.

No word, no matter the language, could describe how badly she wanted to light him on fire once more to avenge her sister. Each second was a fight to maintain control over the desire, and often she found herself plotting his demise in times of weakness.

A hatred like that wasn't easily clouded over.

Rachel didn't know how, or why any human would perform an act of such stupidity, but somehow Stiles had successfully redirected a portion of her undying rage upon himself. Derek was missing, (and possibly dead) for over twenty-four hours & Stiles hadn't even considered telling her. Despite her constant need to emphasize that he was the only sane family member she had left, it clearly hadn't registered in the mind of Stiles.

She didn't even want to talk about Scott.

When Rachel found Scott, she was going to kick his werewolf ass all the way to Canada. He'd spent even more time with her than Stiles, and continuously lied to her about her brother's whereabouts. Even if he was [still] crying about Allison, Rachel was far beyond the point of showing anyone mercy. She was going to drag a knife through the pre-existing wound in his heart, much like he & Stiles had nearly done to her.

It almost scared her, the amount of psychotic thoughts racing through her mind in times of infuriation. She'd lost count of the alarms ringing in her head each time she displayed a sociopathic trait.

Rachel hadn't even flinched when Peter threatened Stiles, nor had she said a word on the way to his jeep. An hour ago, she was having a surprisingly decent time with Stiles at the formal, and now? She couldn't bring herself to care when claws had been dangerously close to his neck.

Betrayal had a knack for screwing with emotions, but surely it couldn't completely shatter her humanity?

Rachel seemed to be stuck on that thought for the entirety of her time spent in Stiles' jeep. She couldn't even find the air in her lungs to manage a snappy remark at her uncle, when he attempted to be humorous. As much as he thought it was the perfect time for a period joke, Rachel didn't.

Under any other circumstances, she would've either a) punched him, or b) punched him even harder because she has still yet to get revenge on him for throwing her through a window (then proceeding to jab claws in her neck).

Rachel was definitely still mad about that.

But the time to dwell on that was long gone, and that fact set in painfully quick as the brunette smacked against the front seat of Stiles' jeep when it jolted to a stop in the parking garage. She understood that they were in a hurry, but she would've appreciated not getting a concussion in the process. Nobody had even been remotely injured when she'd been the getaway driver. In the short amount of time it took her to mutter a few profanities, flip her hair out of her face & climb out, Peter had already dragged Stiles over to a grey car.

"Don't tell me you've added carjacking to your record." Rachel scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest in annoyance. "Who's is it?"

"It belonged to my nurse." Peter answered, in that same annoying tone Rachel couldn't stand.

To her, his voice was the equivalent of Kristen Stewart's face in Twilight; completely & utterly emotionless. She knew that somewhere, underneath the greasy hair, smug expression & bad intentions, there had to be a heart. After all, he was doing this to find Derek. That had to mean something, if he still cared for his family members. Even if throwing Rachel through a window & jabbing claws in her neck had been a really shitty way of showing it.

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