40. Appointment

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Jennifer sat there in the cubicle speechless for minutes before Mili said something.

"I think you need to book an appointment for the doctors."

"I... no I can't!" Jennifer felt tears escape her eyes, which she didn't expect. "I can't find out that I'm... that I'm pregnant. No, I can't be pregnant! It's not fair on you both... I'm not, it's just sickness. I cannot be pregnant Mili!" She began hyperventilating, so Mili wrapped her arms around Jennifer shoulder. Rubbing her back up and down and making sure she calms down. "Hmm okay... I'm okay."

"Are you sure?" Mili asked and Jennifer nodded a few times.

"I should be. I'm just terrified about going... and all by myself. God I'm going to be a single mother if I am!"


"Excuse me?"

"No, you're not going alone. I'll come with you for company incase this is just an overreaction. Okay?"

"Thank you." Jennifer hugged Mili this time. "Thank you." She repeated.


A week passed before Jennifer could get in for an appointment and she had avoided everyone until then incase she just broke down in front of people, which she wasn't prepared to do.

Today she was going, Mili meeting her inside so that's she could go with her which Jennifer greatly appreciated. Mili was nervous as Jennifer being pregnant meant David is a father, but what's done is done. A good part coming out of this is David being a dad and Mili couldn't be more grateful that Jennifer is the mother, she obviously would've wanted to have a baby with David, but if this is how it starts then she's sure they'll have one someday when he's ready for another kid.

As Jennifer drove to the doctors office she received a call from Michael.

"What?" She gritted her teeth.

"Jen, what is going on?"

"I... sorry I snapped. But Michael I already told you... we're not together anymore and you have to understand that."

"I do. Don't worry about it. I was just wondering if you wanted me to drop off some stuff at your house later today?"

"Sure, when?"

"Around three?"

"Yeah I'll be home then. Thanks Michael."

"No problem."

They both hung up just as she pulled up in the parking lot. She made her way inside and Mili was already inside in the waiting room. Jennifer went to the front desk to let them know she's there before sitting beside Mili.


"Deadly." She nodded.

"Uh, Miss Aniston? Jennifer?"

Jennifer and Mili jumped up, following the OB-GYN.

"Okay, I hear you're here to find out if you're pregnant?"

"Yeah." She nodded.

"Okay, great. If you strip off your bottom half and put this on..." she handed over the gown. "... then we can check for you."

"Thank you." Jennifer did as instructed, got up on the bed and put her feet in the stirrups. She then got checks done before the scan was to be done.

"Well, it looks as though you are in fact pregnant. Three weeks along?"

"That- that's sounds about right." Jennifer nodded, swallowing the lump in her throat.

"Great. I'll just go and print a few images, okay?"

"Mhm, thanks." Once cleaned up and changed again, Jennifer got up and sat back on the edge of the bed.

"So... you're pregnant." Mili got up from the seat that was just beside the bed.

"Yeah, I guess I am. I have no idea what I'm going to do."

"You're going to keep it quiet for as long as you want to, then tell David."

"Uh..." she grunted. "I'm so sorry, Mili."

"Hey, what's done is done. I don't want you to not enjoy this pregnancy because of me and David. Okay? Promise me you'll enjoy this time?"

"Yeah. I will. I just still need to come to terms with it."

"Of course, of course." She nodded.

A few minutes later the doctor came back in with the scan, showing it to Jennifer. She would've looked at the screen but she wasn't quite ready then, now she's is and she can't stop smiling.

"That's my baby?" She smiled at the black and white photo, tears glazing over her eyes. "Wow... it's so tiny."

She was in utter disbelief that she was actually pregnant and was going to be having a baby in around nine-ish months. With a man who she isn't even with, a man who's engaged to another woman, who is pretty awesome and understanding given the position she's in.

"I can't believe it." Mili looked over Jennifer's shoulder, smiling down at the paper too.

"Yeah... it's pretty unbelievable."

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