4. I'll Show You

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"Uhm" David cleared his throat, both of them giggled, sharing a knowing thought.

Over the past few months, both of them could tell they had taken a liking to each other. Jennifer has a crush on David. David has a crush on Jennifer. And somehow, they both just know they're crushing on each other, everyone else knew, so it wasn't difficult for them to figure it out either. But they both haven't 'acted on it'. They do cuddle, kiss each other... minus the lips, and have great adoration for each other, but actually trying to be with each other is different. It could put the show in jeopardy, that's not something they want to risk. And although they are professional actors, they could act fine, but breaking up would still cause a great deal of friction.

"Get up" David joked, making Jennifer stick out her tongue before removing herself from on top of him. She reached out her arm, giving him some support till he was on his feet. "Let's try that again, shall we?" He held the door frame, letting Jennifer get in before closing it over.


The bar everyone came to is pretty quiet, which is pretty nice.

The room has led lights, making them all different colours, it was kinda dark, light enough to see though. There was a bar where a few bartenders were on duty, some stools were occupied. But all in all it wasn't jumping with people, so they can have just a nice and quiet night. Friends still hasn't aired either, meaning they won't get noticed, bonus!

Jennifer runs over to the pool table, grabbing two pool sticks. Lisa and Matt then pick one each.

"How about we play in teams, guys against girls?" Matt suggests as he rubs the chalk on the end of the stick.

"No way! I'm terrible at pool"

"Same here, David you're on my team" Jennifer links their arms, meaning Lisa and Matt were against them.

Courteney and Matty seemed to have made their way over to the bar, lost in deep conversation as they drunk a bottle of beer each. Courteney occasionally pushing Matty on the arm as she laughed, they were quite flirty too, not to Jen and David's extent though.

"Can I tell you a secret?" Jennifer whispered to David as she turned away from the pair at the bar. "Matty has a huge crush on Court" she smiled, scrunching up her nose.

"Well, duh. Haven't you noticed him always trying to get her to laugh, and even when it's obnoxious she laughs like it was the funniest thing in the world. She's always looking at him, smiling and being all touchy. It's so clear that she likes him, and he likes her too"

Jennifer smiled, she knew David was also referring to them. She likes him. He likes her too. It was clear. They always touch, smile and are staring at each other.

"Alright... love birds" Matt smirked, clapping then rubbing his hand together. "Get ready for us to whip your asses."

And they did just that.

David was doing well at the game, really well. But every time it was Jennifer's turn to hit the striped ball into a hole, she missed... by a mile.

"Okay, let me help her, it's not like it'll put us in the lead anyways. Jen put your hand like this" David helped her sit her left hand as a 'stand' for the pool stick to lean against for balance for a more accurate shot. He leaned up against her from behind, her back end against his crotch. He could feel the sweat in his palms growing fast as she leaned more forward, her ass pushing more into his crotch from her movements. She knew what she was doing, but she didn't know the effect she could have on him. David's pants grew slightly at his crotch, a bulge beginning to show.

"Like that?" She asked timidly, swallowing her nerves down.

What is she doing to me! David yelled internally.

"Just like that" he gulped. "Okay, shoot" he said once the ball was lined up.

"Yesss!" Jennifer cheered at she hit two at the same time into the hole. She put the stick down and turned around quickly, wrapping her arms around David's shoulders and burying her head into his neck. "Thank you." she smiled, stumbling slightly as she stood on her tip toes.

"No problem Jenny."

"Jenny? That's cute" she smiled, lowering herself, her arms now around his arms. David placed his hands on her waist, he nuzzled his head into her hair, smelling her fruity shampoo.

From the background Courteney took a picture of the both of them, snapping it twice so each of them could have one.

"Hmmm" Jennifer hummed, pulling away and walking over to the bar. David followed along, Courteney and Matty going next against the other two.

"Could I get a beer"

"I'll second that" David said as he sat beside her on the stool. "So, how about that trip?"

"I know, it sounds great. But, I don't think I can go" Jen sighed, taking her bottle of beer, the wet beads of water from the bottle making her hand freezing as she took a drink. "If I do come, I'll need to borrow money."

"Why? It's a private jet. Jimmy's paying for accommodation and it's all inclusive. You don't have to play the slots, i probably won't anyways"

"Yeah, I'll think about it"

"No, you won't, Jenny you're coming" David made her mind up, not taking no for an answer.

"Guess I gotta do what you tell me" she smirked, a wink going along with it before she got off the stool and went over to the jukebox, putting a few quarters in. "Dance with me?" She put her hand out for David, he put his bottle down and took her hand, following her over to the small 'dance floor'.

Jennifer encircled David's waist, her head rested on his chest as she closed her eyes over. David put his arms around Jennifer's shoulders, hugging her tightly to his body as they began swaying side to side to the music.

"I'm so jealous of them" Courteney pouted as she danced with Matty, looking over at Jen and David.

"Yeah? How come?"

"I just- nobody ever seems to like me. Not that I like David and want him to be with me, just that I want someone who likes me so much, the way David likes Jen."

"Someone does" he tilted her chin up with his index finger, catching her eye contact.

"Such as?" She gulped, her eyes flickering from his lips to eyes.

"Hmm... me" Matty smiled as he dipped his head down and attached his lips with Courteney's.

"Awww look" Jennifer smiled against David's chest as she watched her friends.
"He really likes her, dunt he?"

"Mhm... he really does" David agreed as he looked down at Jennifer wrapped up in his arms.

He wasn't paying attention to the other two.

She was the only person right now that he wants to look at and pay attention to.

Ahh no kissing! Well at least not for Jen and David☹️

I'll be away this week, so if I manage to write at least two chapters, then you should keep your eyes peeled. I may or may not do a double upload.👀😉

Really hope you are all enjoying so far!🤍

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