42. Talk To Me

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Once the announcement was out in the open, not made by herself, Jennifer began questioning everyone. She got into a massive argument with Michael when she thought he done it, but when she eventually remembered the pictures... she knew it was someone in the doctors office. She was going to call them up and complain as that information is confidential, but what would really happen to the person who leaked it? Nothing really, right? So she decided to just be over it and deal with it some other way. She knows that David found out through a gossip show on tv, Mili told her that. Now that he knows, she wants to talk it over with him and let him know that she obviously wants him involved, but it's truly up to him on whether he wants to be or not. She wants to discuss the living situation as she wants the baby to stay with her, obviously staying with David sometimes too after maybe the first few weeks. And although that's all in the future, she wants to be prepared for everything.

David arrived at Jennifer's house at night to talk to her as he had plans with Matt during the day. They spoke about the pregnancy as everyone now knows about everything, and David got somethings off his chest about it to his friend which was relieving.

He knocked on Jennifer door just a little after eight, she let him in and greeted him with a small hug. They went into the living room and sat down on the couch.

"So... your pregnant?"

"I am..." she nodded with a small smile.

"And it's definitely mines?" He asked, making her chuckled with a nod.

"Yes, there's no doubt about it. How do you..." she cleared her throat. "... um feel?"

"Confused. It's just weird to think that I'm not even with the mother of my child. I always seen those guys, a few different children to different women, married more than once... I never wanted to be one of those guys."

"You aren't." She cut him off.

"But I am. I was meant to marry you, didn't happen, I got engaged to another woman who I love so much, I cheat on her with my previous fiancé and get her pregnant. Jennifer... I'm one of those guys! And I really didn't want to be. I wanted to find a woman, get married and have children with her and her only. I'm not being ungrateful, even if it sounds it... because I'm going to love this baby just as much as any other child I'll have in the future. It's just the situation, y'know?"

"Yeah. I understand. But, we're just going to have to... deal with it."

"Of course."

"I was thinking... I would like you to come to the next appointment, would you?"

"Really?" He smiled widely. "Jen, you have no idea how much that means to me. I would love to come!" He grabbed her for a quick hug before pulling away.

"I've got something for you." She got up and walked into the kitchen, coming back with a small bag. She handed it to him and he opened it excitedly. He pulled out a pregnancy test she had taken after the confirmation from the doctor as she wanted to give him that in a little gift bag. Then there was a white baby-grow that said 'Daddy's favourite' and an envelope.

"I love this, Jen!" He said thankful for the things, then opened the envelope. When he pulled out the picture of the sonogram he instantly cried, not sobbing, but tears were slowly falling from his eyes. "That's our-?" He chocked up at the image, turning it around to see the due date.

"Wow! I can't believe that's our baby!" He said in total disbelief. "Is it a boy or girl?"

"I'm only three weeks along, remember? So we won't know for another few appointments."

"Well... just knowing we're having this little peanut is enough. I'm in shock but I'm so happy!"

"Me too!"

"We're having a baby." He reached over, taking one of her hands.

"Yeah. We're having a baby." She smiled widely at him and he reciprocated it.

They were having a baby...

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