31. Moving On

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September 19th 2000

A few months pass, no contact.

Work was meant to begin for David a few days ago, but he couldn't even bring it within himself to leave the house, or even attempt to get ready. Jennifer hurt him, badly. And trying to work with her again, that'll cause him even more pain than he was already feeling. He promised everyone that he would be back, working when he was scheduled too, and that he promised if they ever split, it would never be a problem with work. But that seems to be a much easier thing to say, than actually do. He was stressed, lonely, sad, distressed, in pain and feeling all kinds of depression. He could actually barely put into words just how this really felt, it was indescribable.

Today he tried. He got out of bed, made an effort to get a good wash, shave and clip down his grown out hair. He got into a fresh set of clothes, blue jeans and a white dress shirt. He then put on a watch, before combing gel into his hair. David done a few more things, then made his way out the door with a cup of coffee in hand. Luckily, since he hadn't left in so long and it was his ex that received all the chasing, he made it into his car and drove to set without any hassle.

On the other hand, Jennifer swerved on the road from crazed paparazzi's, trying to turn at the next light to reach the street of the parking lot. Once she stopped, put on her sunglasses and took a drink of water, she stepped out the car and locked it. The paps couldn't get in as it was a locked up parking lot, giving her time to breath and have privacy for a moment before she was bombarded by her friends. She did come in yesterday, but all she done was explain the situation to Jimmy, then left. She was so sure that she would be fired, giving the fact that she was the one that caused this media frenzy. But she luckily still stands her place on the show, now onto the seventh season. She received the script a few days ago, assuming that's why David didn't show up. Not only did he have to go back to work with her, he hand to kiss her during the episode. The producers tried writing this off, but they felt it came into play throughout the season with the storyline they will be creating at the end.

They tried to get David to come to terms with it, which he fought for it not to happen, but eventually he let it go. Deciding he can show her that he's 'over her' and a kiss doesn't affect him, which is far from the truth, but he's going to try and push through it. Nobody is sure why it links to the end of the season and trails into the next, they aren't allowed to know just yet, but they will closer to the time.

Just as Jennifer walked to the set door, she turned back, with a feeling... a sense, she felt him there. And she was right. As she turned around, David got out from his car, pulling on his sunglasses and grabbing a bag from the car walking up the car park. She stared for a moment, freezing when she noticed the corner of his lips curl up and his teeth appear.

He smiled at her. He smiled at her?

Jennifer hurriedly went through the door, practically running for her dressing room and slamming the door shut, flipping the latch and locking it. She breathed heavily as she fell onto her couch, bouncing back up when she noticed a piece of clothing underneath her. His sweater. She picked up the blue cotton, bringing it to her nose and inhaling his sent, burying her face into it then crying, falling back on the couch.

David entered the set, noticing all his friends sitting up where the audience normally does on tapping night. A few crew members were there and the producers. Jennifer, nowhere in sight.

He approached them all once getting up onto the platform like seating area, walking over with a wave.

"DAVID!" Lisa smiled widely at him, getting up quickly and wrapping her arms around his neck. "Oh how I missed you!" She laughed gently, a tear falling from her eye. "Why haven't you called back?!"

"I'm sorry guys, I just went a bit MIA on you all for a while. But I needed that. Now I'm back, prepared and ready to get going with this thing. How've you all been?" He asked cheerfully, taking a seat with everyone, them all directing their attention towards him. They nodded along in agreement that they've been keeping very well, which he was relieved with.

"I'm so glad you guys."

"David... have you uh... seen... y'know... her yet?" Lisa asked and he nodded.

"Yeah, she was walking in the door when i got out my car. She must've gone to her dressing room first, I dunno." He shrugged nonchalantly.

"I'll uh... be back." LeBlanc smiled at David, getting up and patting his back before walking away. He made his way to Jennifer's dressing room, knocking on the door a few times and telling her who he was before being let in. They both sat on the couch, he could tell she had been crying, a lot.

"Is he there?" She asked quietly.

"Yeah. He seems great. So I don't think he'll mind about it, Jen...."

"You don't think he'll mind?" She scoffed loudly. "YOU DON'T THINK HE'LL MIND?!" She repeated much louder this time. "Boy you can be stupid some times."

"It's not like you cheated, Jennifer."

"I know, and I've come to terms with that. But they were really great friends and I slept with him, that's not fair on David... at all. He's been on the show for fuck sake!"

"I know, I know. But you can't lie when you say you're in love with him... can you?"

"I think I can't..." she shrugged, feeling absolutely awful. "It's just that... I still love David, and... y'know... and I'm trying so hard to fall out of it."

"Which one?"

"Both of them! I'm in love with two guys? I don't even think that's possible!"

"Maybe it is." He shrugged.

"Oh, bullshit! I can't love both David and Michael at once!"

"Then you might only have feelings for one of them, either you just have a strong liking for Michael, or you're still in love with David, and can't deny that."

He paused for a moment. "So which one? Michael or David?"

"I'm not going to sit here and choose over them. I can't anyway! David and I are finished, I stupidly ran and now it's finished. And Michael is so sweet and I do really like him, so moving on might be a good thing. Don't you think?"

"Yeah, yeah. Just- don't say anything to anyone else... I don't want it trailing back to him that way, not until you know how serious it is and since it's still so early."

"Agreed," Jennifer nodded. "Michael feels horrible too, but he... I don't know... he just likes me, so I guess he wants to try something between us and I'm prepared for that."

"Great... so Michael Vartan? I still can't believe it."

"Yeah..." she stopped for a moment before continuing. "... David's friend."


I don't even know how I feel about this either! Honestly!

I just remembered David and Michael working together in 'The Pallbearer' back in 96' before appearing on 'Friends' in 1997. I just couldn't go through with it being an actual friend (that I know of) , or someone like Mr. Pitt, which would've just broke me. So I decided to take a spin on who it was, taking the story in a different love interest direction.

I felt my heart breaking more and more as I wrote this, especially the ending, but I just had to! I want this story to be long and this is the only way I can extend it!

Anyways, hope you HATED this chapter as much as I did🤣🤍

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