36. Not mines

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August 11th 2001

Not long now until friends is back for their eighth season, the new episode which was filmed nearer the beginning of the year set to be out soon. Everyone had been very busy over the break, filming new movies and all. It took a lot out of them, but this month was clear so they all decided to go on a trip to Italy. Jennifer and David were worried it would bring up bad memories, but they'll be in a much different area. Last time they were in a small beautiful town filled with flowers, sun and coffee shops. Now they're going to a private ski lodge.

David and Mili, Jennifer and Michael, Lisa and Michel, Courteney and Matthew, and Matt with his new girlfriend Melissa, will all be attending. Along with the three producers of the show. It was a big trip, so luckily there was two lodges beside each other, containing four bedrooms each for everyone to stay in.

The private jet collected everyone early hours of the Monday morning and they had now been on the trip for two days. They spent time going down the mountains on ski's, taking in the scenery, which included a few pictures of the views. Then on the Tuesday they went on a tour in a bus outside the mountains for the full day, bringing them to today, Wednesday. They planned to all have a night in to watch movies and eat snacks in one of the cabins.

While Courteney set that up in the biggest living room, making sure they was plenty of blankets and pillows, everyone else got ready.

Currently Jennifer was sitting at her vanity in her room, just staring at herself in the mirror in a daze. Her mind has drifted away from getting into comfy clothes, to her relationship issues. Not that there was much bad, only the fact that the relationship wasn't who she wanted to be with. She wanted to be with another man, the man she let down, left and couldn't be with ultimately. She tried breaking things off with Michael in a explanation that she shouldn't have dove into such a serious relationship when she wasn't ready. He constantly kept saying that he doesn't want to pressure her, making it pretty obvious getting out that night, wasn't an option. She knew that he's a great guy, one that she fits with very well. It's an easy relationship, one that would work well, lead to marriage and children. But, it was... too easy. David and Jennifer were pretty easy, but there was much more adventure, fun, laughter and a stronger connection. And they had their disagreements, Michael seemed to change his opinions quickly to suit Jennifer, making sure not to cause arguments, which she didn't appreciate. David had his opinions and stood by them, he didn't change them. That, she appreciated as he kept his character and didn't change for anyone... not even her.

"Penny for a thought?" Michael walked into the room as he pulled on a fresh pair of pyjamas.

"Oh!" She jumped, a little shocked from her daydreaming. "Um... okay, let's get going."

"You haven't even changed yet," he pointed out. "Are you okay? You've been acting strange... lately?"

"I'm fine... I just... uh, can't find a brush."

"Oh..." he went back into the bathroom from where he was moments ago, returning with her hair brush.

"Thank you."

Jennifer brushed her hair out, got changed and they made their way downstairs to where everyone already was. They got themselves comfortable on one of the couches, Michael pulling Jennifer close as her attention was on other people. She watched as David pulled Mili onto his lap, wrapping his arms around her waist and whispering into her ear. She giggled softly, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing his cheek. Jennifer noticed how David mouthed 'I love you' to her, making her stomach twirl. She had seen and heard them act like this before, but it still hit a nerve.

Half an hour into the film she excused herself to go to the bathroom, going to the one in her bedroom. After finishing, she walked over to her bedroom window, looking out onto the other cabin. She watched as David stood there, holding Mili's hands in his, talking to her as she noticed her crying. Then he did it, he reached into his pocket, bent down on the balcony and....

... he proposed.

Her head nodded ecstatically as he got up again, pulling the jewellery out the box and placing it on her finger. He grabbed her by the waist, picking her up and kissing her hard.

Jennifer felt the tears streaming down her face, falling down her neck and chest as she watched everything unfold. Quickly she shut over the curtains, walking over to her bed and throwing herself on it, crying into her pillow. Her body trembled, continuing to shake as she couldn't contain her tears.

Jennifer knew that David had moved on, but she didn't think it was going as far as marriage. They weren't even living together yet, so it was a major shock that marriage even became a thing... so soon.
It had been over a year since their split now, but that still seemed soon to her. Just over a year and he was with another woman, wanting to marry her and be with her forever? Sure she jumped into a relationship, but MARRIAGE?! She knows that he's happy, and that just confirms it.

He's not hers anymore...

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