6. Sleep Over

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Tonight Jennifer invited Lisa and Courteney over for some girl time before the trip away to Vegas. They've all just had dinner and are now currently sitting on Jens bed while sharing a tub of ice cream.

(Jennifer's Pov)

"So, Jen, you and David? What's happening with you two?" Courteney asked, taking a big spoonful of the sweet chocolate ice cream into her mouth.

"What are you taking about? We should be focused on you and Matty... what happened at that bar"

Courteney blushed. "I dunno, it was all... so sudden. I was gushing over how cute you and David were, I wanted someone to look at me the way he looks at you and I just was scared to admit that I wanted that from him. He basically told me he liked me and then... we kissed!" All girls squealed with joy. "He's so great and sweet with me! But, we're just taking things slow, we don't want to rush it at all."

"Totally honey, there's no rush, you're young" Lisa agreed with her, giving her arm a squeeze.

"That's so amazing," I say, smiling at Courteney.

"Well, now, enough about me. Miss Aniston, what's going on with you and Schwimmer?"

Uh oh, we're back to this again.

"Straight out, do you like him?"

"Yeah," I admitted with confidence, there's no denying that anymore. "I do like him and fortunately, I really think he likes me. But unfortunately, it could never happen." I sigh.

The girls' faces drop, a compassionate look in their eyes. "Why!" Lisa whined.

"Because, we work together. What if something happened and we broke up? I'd never forgive myself for jeopardising the show and hurting David in any way, shape or form."

There's many times where I just think, 'but what if it does work out?' , there's always a possibility. But could I live with myself if I ruined the biggest opportunity of my life? I like David, I really and truly do, it's so scary how much I like him, I've never felt this way before, ever. There's a part of me that just wants to try, if I feel this way then surely I should try, right? But like I said, I'm scared, scared about everything that comes with a relationship. Being committed isn't the issue, it's... it's... well, I don't even know! Just being in a relationship is scary, the consequences of heartache and pain is scary!

"Jen, you don't have to commit to anything so soon. I would just say, digest your feelings for a while longer so you know that truly, you like him."

"Yeah, yeah. You're so right. I'll think about it before even asking him how he feels."


"Jen! Your phone is ringing!" Courteney shouted as she pushed Jennifer's side, trying her best to wake her up. "It's been going off for ages!"

"Mmm" Jennifer moan, rolling over on the bed to where Courteney was standing with her phone in hand. She reached out for it, Courteney left and she answered the phone. "Hello?" She yawned, sitting up on the bed and leaning against the headboard.

"Hey- oh, sorry, did I wake you?" David asked through the phone, sounding slightly guilty.

"Yeah," she chuckled lightly. "But it's alright, I'm glad you called"

"You are?" He asked surprised. "Mmm how so?" He said flirtatiously.

"Well, I dunno. I just like talking to you, so it's nice to chat. What's up, everything okay?" She smiled into the phone.

"Yeah, everything is fine. I was actually wondering if you were home, I'm near by and I was going to come in and see you"

Jennifer bit down on her nails, she wanted to see him too. But Courteney and Lisa are in her guest room just next to her and they could hear her.

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