20. Uncomfortable

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After that incident a few months ago with Jennifer and David, they decided just to keep it close to the crew and cast, which was good. Nobody else seen the kiss, it was just a few cameramen and their four cast mates. They've been able to be in their relationship openly around set, just like Matty and Courteney. Although, they've now come forward as being together around work mates and family, nobody else knows. Jennifer and David still aren't ready for that, maybe soon, but not right now. Jimmy really wasn't happy when he found out that both they and two of the other cast mates are in romantic relationships. But how could he control that? All six promised to walk if any of them were fired for how they went about their lives, so they were secure on keeping their jobs. Jim just turned to them when they explained this and said: 'Boy, you all really are a tight nit group. I have my work cut out for me if you all do walk, but.... I'm sure that won't happen. I don't think I could do that to you all. Just, be careful. Relationships in this industry are DIFFICULT to maintain especially because of the media. Don't go around this as if it's a walk in the park, it's not.'

Currently David is packing his last bag into a moving van, where all his things will be kept in storage. He's still house hunting, but this time... with Jennifer. Last month he bought a fake key, 'proposing' to her on the idea of them getting a house together. She of course said yes, but they're going to stay at her house for a while longer to test it out to see if it really would work. So far, so good.

"Jean-Claude Van Damme? Huh?"

"Yeah, I know. You have to kiss him, how do you feel about that?"

"Not that bad to be honest." Jennifer shrugged. "Although it will be weird kissing him, then Courteney will be, then me again... it's like a cycle."

"Don't worry about it babe, I'm sure everything will be just fine. Anyways, you want to come in the car a ride while I drop off some things at the storage unit?"

"Yeah, only if we get ice cream!" Jennifer said sweetly, getting up from the bed and pulling her boots on.

"You are such a child," he chuckled. "C'mon then," David reached for her hand, holding it tightly until they parted ways at the car.


Time passes, days go by before it's time to film again. Jennifer and David expected to be sick of each other by now, given that they don't only work together, but currently live together. Surprisingly it's made them even stronger, they haven't really even fought. Sure there was normal couple arguments, rarely though, it was plain sailing with them. When they spend time apart it's usually on set, which sounds weird as they work together. But currently there aren't crazy amount of Ross and Rachel scenes right now because of the storyline. But, the very little time they spend apart, which is really small, just makes them more and more drawn to each other.

Jennifer was currently about to shoot a scene with Court and Jean-Claude, the cameras begin rolling and they bid their goodbyes in the scene. Rachel's pulled into a kiss with Jean, and very surprisingly she feels his tongue push through her lips and into her mouth. Jennifer pulled back with a weird expression on her face, she was in shock and disgust. The cameras cut as she had ruined the scene, running over to the director.

"Lem, Lem!" Jennifer called out as she approached him, glancing back at the set then back to Micheal. "Could you do me a favour and ask him not to put his tongue in my mouth when he's kissing me?" She panted, wiping her mouth off.

"He did that? After being hours late he pulls that stunt? I'll tell him Jen, don't worry." He reassured her, getting up and discussing it with Jean that it wasn't allowed.

The scene begins rolling again and he doesn't do it to Jennifer, but minutes later Courteney does the exact same, pulling away and going over to Lem.

"He just stuck his tongue down my throat Lem, I didn't like it. Could you?-"

"Man I can't believe this guy!" He jumped up, having to repeat himself again. "I told you, you gotta stop it. The girls don't like it and it's unprofessional."

"Sorry, sorry. It was a mistake!" Jean-Claude put his hands up in defence.

"Yeah, sure it was," Jennifer commented as she rolled her eyes at him, he smirked and winked at her. "This guy!" Jen turned to Courteney.

"I know!"


"So, how was it?" David asked as Jennifer walked into her dressing room, he was already there lying down on her couch, reading a magazine. He sat up as she pulled off her coat and gloves, sitting them down. She took a seat beside him, sinking into his side as she sighed loudly, closing her eyes over.

"Terrible! He kept jamming his tongue into mines AND Courteney's mouth! He was late and then done that! Can you believe it?"

"WHAT?" David asked angrily, he's eyebrows frowning and nostrils flaring slightly. "What was done about it?"

"I told Lem and he had to tell him... twice because after being told off he did it to Courteney. It was so awkward! Then he kept flirting... WITH THE BOTH OF US!"

"I'm gonna fucking kill him!" David jumped up, pacing back and forth in the dressing room. "That's bullshit Jen!"

"I know honey, but it's okay. Everything got sorted out and he's been dealt with."

"I'm just so fucking pissed off at him," David said much calmer now, but he still was angry, he just couldn't believe that he wouldn't listen when being told multiple times to stop. "I'm sorry," he apologised, pulling her into a hug and running his hands up and down her back.

"For what?"

"I used to kiss you... y'know with tongue and I didn't mean it. It just sort of happened, I could barely control myself."

"David, honey." She pulled her head away from his shoulder, resting her hands on his cheeks. "Did I ever pull away?"

"No..." he said timidly.

"And did I ever tell someone to stop you?"

"No..." he responded again.

"And do you really think I didn't enjoy it?" She asked with a soft smirk, his facial expression softened as she licked her bottom lip.


"Okay, so... we're on the same page."

"I guess we are." David gripped her waist, lifting her up and kissing her lips hungrily. He slowly walked over to the door, twisting the lock before falling back on the couch, Jennifer landing on top of him.

Hey guys, I wasn't too sure what to write for this chapter, but I read this article a while ago, explaining the situation with Jean-Claude. Just thought I would incorporate it into one of the chapters. So yeah, most of it was real. 😔

I've been thinking, I now have two book ideas in mind, I don't think they'll be long, but I know I want to go ahead with them. If anyone suggested anything thank you, I haven't checked my insta dms yet. Also, wattpad doesn't work the best for messaging me privately, so if you need me use my insta:
@ _javid_aniston_

Anyways, have a nice day and I hope you enjoyed 🤍

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