7. Viva Las Vegas!

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"I'm tired!" Jennifer moaned as she leaned against David's side, his arm stretched around her shoulder. "I didn't sleep all of last night, thanks to you"

Everyone standing in the group quickly looked over at the pair as they were waiting outside the jet. They all raised their eyebrows and waited for an answer.

"We were on the phone" David answered their thoughts as Jen rolled her eyes, putting her sunglasses on.

"Okay, time to get on" Jimmy gathered them all, finally letting them board the jet.

Everyone rushed on while Jennifer trailed behind, not wanting to rush. She didn't like planes, the fear of anything that could happen scared her. David noticed her hanging back, he slowed down and waited for her to catch up.

"What's up?"

"I don't like flying" she nervous smiled, rubbing her arm up and down a few times. "I'm too nervous to get on, I don't think I can do it" she stopped walking right at the bottom of the steps.

"You'll be fine. You can come and sit next to me, I promise I'll do everything to make you feel better." He took both of her hands in his, caressing her hand with his thumbs. "You can even squeeze my hand as tight as you want, I won't mind the nail marks." He joked, making her break into a chuckle despite the fact that she's terrified.

"Alright, promise not to let go?"

"I promise." He smiled at her, leading her into the jet. There were six chairs together on one end, another six at the other. Jimmy, Marta, David C, Jeffery and Kevin all sat together. While Matty and Courteney were beside each other, Lisa and Matt at the other end. This meant David and Jen had to sit across from each other, not beside one another. As David pulled his hand away, Jennifer linked her arm with his, pulling him back. "It's fine, I'll still hold your hand" he whispered to her, and she decided to finally let go.

After everything was ready and everyone was settled, the plane began rumbling, turning a corner on the run way as it moved. Jennifer reached forward and grabbed David's hand tightly, closing her eyes over as her face was looking at her legs. She let out a frustrated groan as she felt more and more scared, David leaned forward and kissed the back of her head, whispering some comforting words to her. She loosened up slightly after ten minutes, finally being able to talk to everyone.

"I'm so tired" she yawned, leaning on Matt's shoulder, closing her eyes over.

"Want me to switch with him?" Matt asked her, Jennifer nodded against him.

Matt and David switched, letting Jen sit beside him now. It was just known that David was him. She snuggled into his chest, keeping her eyes tightly sealed as she began falling asleep in his comforting arms. She was slipping away by the second, and into a deep slumber. David looked down at the angel in front of him, right in his arms. He couldn't contain his happiness when she was around, especially when they were interacting, just so much as a touch. That was all it took for him to lose a steady heartbeat.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Lisa tapped her foot off David's to get his attention.

"Nothing" he kept looking at Jennifer, the corners of his mouth turned upwards.

"Okay then" Lisa said sarcastically.


"What's your door number?" Jennifer asked David as they all walked through the hotel halls together. "I'm 364"

"363. I'm probably be right next door to you."

Everyone made their way to their rooms, all of them right beside each other. After being settled for an hour everyone got changed and ready to go downstairs.

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