28. A Stormy Day

402 16 2

May 1st 2000

David was leaning against the headboard, his legs spread apart with Jennifer in between them in bed. While he kept his eyes closed, his hands rubbing up and down Jennifer's thighs, she read over a book. He admired that she liked reading when they were having silent moments, he got peace with just holding her and she got peace from reading, and obviously the holding. He found her adorable, and how she had to wear glasses, to read especially.

"Courteney told me her and Matty are trying..." Jennifer spoke softly as she finished the last sentence of the chapter, closing the book over and placing it on the nightstand, placing her glasses on top.

"Really?" He asked as she turned around, laying on top of him, stomach to stomach.

"Yeah. She thought it was the right time, don't ya think?" She asked, playing with his shirt.

He nodded in agreement. "It seems so. Your dads desperate for us to have one, like... now." He chuckled and Jennifer joined him.

"Well, our weddings in a month. I'm not ready for that, not right now. Plus we had the discussion, a few years. I heard him on the phone to you the other day mentioning it."

"It's a weekly thing now, he's really desperate for grandkids. So no babies... well, how about we just do that thing without having one...?" He suggested with a smirk.

"What thing?" She asked innocently.

"Well, it involves a whole lot of nakedness... we're just... practicing." he wiggled his eyebrows, grabbing her cheeks and sweeping her into a dreamy kiss.

A few hours had passed by, and the good day seemed to be turning into a bad one as a thunderstorm had struck. They both somehow enjoyed this kind of weather though because it meant a full day alone, together, cozied up in their home with all they need to pass the time was each other. The TV had cut off and all the other electrical items within the house. So that meant, they had to get the torches out and find a bunch of candles to brighten up the place. While David hunted for some, Jennifer began boiling some water on the stove as it's a gas oven. She prepared two mugs for cups of tea, using a small flashlight to guide her way around the kitchen. Just when the two mugs were freshly topped off with milk, David came into the kitchen with a few candles.

"Most rooms already have some in it, bathroom living room and ours. So we shouldn't be too bad." He explained while lighting up some candles on the counter tops. "But that fridge, we will have to chuck everything out because it'll all go bad."

"Luckily we haven't had the time for shopping recently, so it'll only be a few things. Here," she handed him one of the mugs and they took them over to the big window in the kitchen. "How about we sit here and just watch it all." She pointed to the kitchen island that faced out onto the hills where the thunder was. David nodded in agreement, kissing the side of her head and retrieving some blankets and pillows from the living room. They set up a few pillows against the island cupboards, leaning against them with a blanket under and another over. Jennifer sprawled her legs over David's, leaning her body on his as he put his arms around her shoulder.

Suddenly a flash of lightening struck in the clouds and Jennifer jumped a little, nearly spilling her tea on herself. They both giggled and she pushed her body more against his, feeling so protected in his arms.

"Wild out there... isn't it?" She asked and he nodded, watching as the wind swept many things around with it, clouds flashing because of the lightening and thunder rumbling.

"It sure is. Where's Norm?" He asked and her eyes immediately widened. "Shit." David jumped up and began running while Jennifer stayed put, calling on Norman from the kitchen. After a few calls, she heard David coming back into the kitchen, bringing Norman's blanket from his bed and carrying him in it. "He buried himself in this beside the couch."

"Aww... poor baby..." Jennifer petted his head as he lay between the couple, hiding under the blankets and staying as close to them as possible.

As time passed by, the storm hadn't seemed to have calmed down, but Jennifer and David didn't let that spoil their day. They collected a few games and fresh candles and set themselves up on the floor, still wrapped in blankets with their pooch right beside them.

While cleaning up, all the lights sparked on and everything electrical began resetting.

"Hey, look at that..." Jennifer pointed to the answering machine, looking at the little screen that read '17 missed messages'.

"You answer, I'm going to clean out the fridge... shout if it's for me." He kissed the side of her head and left her in the living room as she answered a few of the calls.

"Hello? NO WAY!" Jennifer shrieked down the phone, jumping up from the couch. "I- REALLY?! That's perfect... I'll tell David... okay, thank you... so much."

David overheard a bit from the kitchen, hearing Jennifer's wildly excited response to whoever was down the other line. He ran through, awaiting Jennifer to explain what was said over the phone.

"The venue... WE GOT IT! David, they managed to get the venue!" Jennifer ran over to David, he immediately put his arms out and picked her up in his arms, hugging her tightly against his body. "They said a couple called off the wedding and WE got it!"

"Yes! That's great... I mean, not for them... but for us!" He smiled, kissing her lips passionately.

Jennifer pulled away, a little out of breath as she smiled. "It's getting so close now..."

"I know... I can't wait to marry you."

Okay I know! ITS BEEN FOREVER! I do apologies for not updating sooner guys. I was so busy and have been really unmotivated. So, to be nice, I uploaded 2 other chapters of the book so you can go and read them now. I'll try posting regularly, twice a week maybe?

This chapter was unfinished and that's why it took me so long to update because I had no ideas, so it's just a short one. Sorry guys.

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