24. A Blissful Moment

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July 19th 1998

"David?! Are you ready?" Jennifer shouted from downstairs as she buckled up her heels, then getting up and flattening out her silk, emerald green dress.

"Coming!" He responded, entering the living room with Jennifer's clutch and his suit jacket in hand. "Here you- woah! Don't you look beautiful!" He gazed at her, setting down what was in his hand on the couch.

"I do?" She asked innocently, wrapping her arms around his neck while smiling happily.

"Well, you always do... but I really love this!" He complimented, rubbing his hands up and down her waist, slightly pinching the fabric of her dress.

"Thank you baby," she scrunched her nose up in amusement, leaning in and softly attaching their lips for a moment.

"Okay, shall we go?" David pulled away, turning around and bending over to pick up his jacket and her clutch.

"Mm," Jennifer mumbled as she checked him out.

"What?" David turned back to her. "You like?" He asked, referring to the outfit.

"Oh yeah, go on babe... do a twirl for me!"

"Shut up," he chuckled, reaching for her hand and walking over to the door together. "Be good Norman!" David shouted to their new family member, a dog obviously.

They got in the car together, David driving them to their destination...

... Courteney and Matthews wedding.

The pair couldn't be happier for their best friends, it was so well deserved for them.

The church was decorated beautifully, simple white, the only other colour being green from the flower stems. Courteney's vision was definitely met today, she was glowing. Obviously not just because of how her wedding looks, but the fact that it was THEIR wedding, hers and Matty's. Lisa and Jennifer spent the night with Courteney, getting ready together this morning with Chris. But Jennifer forgot her dress at the house, so this morning she went back home and decided to just come in with David. She's part of the bridesmaids party, as well as Lisa and Jennifer Meyer.

They all walked down the aisle with their ushers before Courteney was last, before the beautiful ceremony began.


Jennifer was sat at the long table, right beside Matty, David on the other side of her. She was lost in conversation with David, chatting away as they looked at the guests now and then dancing.

"I wonder what our wedding will look like," Jennifer smiled as she rested her hands on David's neck, clasping them in the back.

"Big or small?" He asked.

"Small." Jennifer replied.

"All white or colour?"

"All white."



"Deal," he smiled, leaning in and kissing her lips softly, not making too much of a scene. "I love you, Jennifer."

"I love you more, David."


After the gorgeous wedding, Jennifer and David made their way back home, changing their outfits into comfy, plane appropriate clothes. The grab their suit cases and headed downstairs.

It's still break, meaning they have a month before the next half of the season is filmed. So they decided to go to Cabo for a week, they rented out a private house.

"Daddy?" Jennifer called out, walking into the kitchen. "How long are you staying here with him for?"

"Just a few days honey, I'll take him to mines a few days before you return. I don't think I'll cope a week with Alex and Norman running around." He chuckled.

"Mm good idea, right, well I better get going." She approached her father, pecking his cheek before bending down to Norman. "Mommy will miss you! Oh yes I will!"

David and John laughed at her as she continued to talk in her baby voice. "Just wait til she's actually pregnant and has kids."

"Oh god, I know!" David laughed. "Right Jen, c'mon."

"You two think you are so funny!" She crossed her arms, walking away and out the door with her suitcase.

"Bye John." David patted his back, chuckling as he walked towards the door, following Jennifer.

"Have a safe flight! Oh and... good luck"

"Thanks, I need it."

"I promise you don't. You know her answer."


"Okay miss grumpy pants, what have I done now?" David asked Jennifer as they sat by the pool, their legs dangling in the water, swaying back and forth.

"I'm not grumpy about anything." She responded, dropping her head back and closing her eyes, soaking up the sun.

David reached over and pulled her sunglasses off.

"Hey!" She whined, grabbing them back and getting up.

"Alright, you made me do it." He got up, grabbing her by the waist and throwing her in the water.

He ran into the pool, doing a cannonball right beside her. When David resurfaced, Jennifer immediately began splashing him, she definitely seemed upset about something.

"Jen stop!" David grabbed her waist, pulling her body against his, she instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist, pouting. "Honey what's wrong?"


"C'mon, you've been weird since we landed last night... what happened on that flight?"

"You said-" she looked down, looking pretty sad. "You said you don't think we'll be actually married soon. But earlier at the wedding you agreed on it... I'm just so confused. I mean, we said we would take this slow, but it's been like, four years. And hey, I'm not pressuring you, I'm happy to wait ten more years... I just want to know where you're at..."

"Can I talk now?" He asked and she nodded, placing her hands on his shoulders to stay up.

"Okay, I was just saying I don't think it'll happen soon because... well, we need to spend sometime as fiancé's first. And that can't happen unless I ask you, which I've been trying to do for months."

"What?!" She added in disbelief.

David pulled away, quickly getting out the pool and fetching the little blue box from his beach bag, he then ran back into the pool and repositioned Jennifer on his waist. She was smiling so much that he was so sure her face was going to be cramped.

"I have loved you from the moment we met... and I've never stopped. There were billions of times where I tried to stop- before we got together- but it just wasn't possible. And I'm so glad. And I'm glad you reciprocated those feelings, because somehow everything has seemed to fall into place.

I've spent too long trying to think of a fancy way to ask you, when really all I needed was the woman I wanted to ask for this moment. And all I'm trying to do is tell you how much I love you. So, Jennifer Joanna Aniston, will you marry me?"

"YES! OH MY GOD YESSS!" She practically screamed her response with a massive smile plastered on her face.

David pulled the ring out the box, throwing it away and placing the jewellery on her finger. She looked down at the ring then back at David, grabbing his face and pulling him in for a passionate kiss as she sobbed. David laughed against her lips, smirking as they pulled away.

"David I'm so happy!" Jen wrapped her arms around his neck, burying her face in his neck.

"Understatement of the decade!"

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