27. Peoples choice

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Today is the 26th annual people choice awards and the cast of friends are nominated for an award. The only people attending is Jennifer, David, Matty and Lisa.

Jennifer is currently getting her make up done. She is in her dressing room in the house, sitting at her vanity while she has it done. Chris is sitting at the side of her, eating a bag of chips as he asks what she wants done with her hair. For now it's been dyed, washed and dried, then put up in a claw clip so she can have her makeup done.

"I think straight, sleek?" Jennifer suggested to Chris and he made an approving face.

"Yeah, it'll look nice with the new highlights." He nodded, eating a chip and passing her one. "I was thinking about it. How about you and I go out for drinks this weekend?"

"I know what you're hinting at," She turned to him, smiling. "I told you I don't want a bachelorette party, I don't like the idea of strippers grinding all over me while I'm engaged."

"Isn't David having a bachelor party?" He asked and she nodded.

"I don't care," she turned away, resuming her position for Angela to do her makeup.

"Liar," Angela laughed as she applied a light highlight in the inner corner of her eyes. "And that's okay. Just tell him, Jen."

"No," she shook her head. "He's going to have a great night and I'm okay with him having one. I just don't feel comfortable for my sake."

"Then you don't feel comfortable for him to have one then. Jen, he's a guy, he'll like the idea of strippers, but he's a great guy! He'd much rather you being comfortable."

"Angela, I know that. But I'm not ruining it for him just out of my uncomfortableness."

"Babe, you need to talk to him." Chris chimed back in. "David will understand completely."

Jennifer looked down at her lap, contemplating on whether to tell David on how she was uncomfortable. It's not that she doubted him in any way, that most certainly wasn't it. She just felt uncomfortable with the idea of another person 'entertaining' either of them. They both had each other, their sexual desires seemed to have been met, so why does having a random person dancing half naked on you have to happen? She knows that it's a 'tradition' at these parties, but she doesn't care all that much. She doesn't like it, so she isn't going if it's prepared by any of her friends. She'd rather just have a quiet party, drink or a night-in with her girls.

"Yeah maybe."


Later that night at the awards after the shows win, the cast are sat at their table, chatting away with each other.

"It just doesn't seem real, every time one of us win... it's surreal."

"I know," Jennifer agreed softly with Lisa, leaning over to David and resting her head on his shoulder. "I've been thinking, about the bachelor and bachelorette parties... are you sure about a stripper?" She asked, looking up at him.

"What do you mean? I'm fine with it, are you?"

"No..." she admitted. "I just, I don't understand the point of it."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't like the idea of a woman dancing for you."

"Only you?" He joked, earning a glare from her as this is serious to her. "Oh c'mon, Jen it's not like I would catch feelings or think about running away into the sunset with her, the dollar bills falling from her g-string." He chuckled.

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