22. Happy Birthday Handsome

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November 2nd 1997

The morning sun has risen beautifully on such a special day, one Jennifer cherished dearly. It was the day her boyfriend was born. It was his 31st birthday, which he wasn't too happy about. Last year he felt grown up, that he was officially thirty years old. But last night, it hit him that he was going to be IN his thirty's, which was a daunting feeling.

"C'mon baby, don't be so upset!" Jennifer climbed onto David's lap in his dressing room, trying her best to cheer him up.

"Jennn..." he warned.

"No. I won't have it. I refuse. You cannot be so upset today, it's my FAVOURITE day of the year. You don't want me to feel bad on this day... do you?" She pouted, trying to convince him into feeling better about today.

"You are unbelievable..." he couldn't help but smile, holding her cheeks and shaking her head back and forth. "Do you know how cute you are?"


"Very." He pulled her face closer, attaching their lips in a slow and soft kiss, pulling away and looking in her eyes.

"Now, that's the smile I wanted to see. So, anything in mind for today, any other presents?"

"You have done enough..." he paused, coming to a realisation. "Do you know what the best present would be?"

"What honey?"

"Remember you mentioned not hiding our relationship?" He asked and she nodded a few times catching on. "Well, I think we should... I dunno... just be together, whenever we want, wherever we want. I don't want a big announcement, but if someone asks or if we are seen in public together... theeennnn?"

"I'd love to do that honey... I mean, it's been over two years."

"Yeah. I think we should give each other pats on the back for hiding it for so long."


It was now 8pm, Jennifer and David have just arrived home after a nice night out, having a romantic dinner that Jennifer had planned. He had already opened his wonderful gifts from her this morning, but the best present, the one he is so eager to unwrap is Jennifer. They had already gotten a little too excited in the car ride home, but it's not like they could do anything, the car isn't sound proof and, well, the driver probably wouldn't be loving the idea of them having sex in the back of the car.

Trying not to get too worked up, David just took his coat off casually as he entered the house, hanging it up, then slipping off his shoes. Jennifer followed his lead, picking up both of their shoes and setting them down on the shoe rack just beside the door. David slackened his tie, opening up a few buttons of his shirt and walking over to their couch on the living room, flopping down on it. While he was there, Jennifer decided to run upstairs and grab a little something to wear, just telling David she was using the bathroom and hanging up her dress.

She stripped out of her clothes, putting on a matching white lace, bra and thong set, that had different designs around the cup. She slipped on white pyjamas, it was romper sort of thing which wasn't really for sleeping in, but it covered what she had on underneath. Jennifer grabbed a comb, ran it through her blonde curls, not flattening them completely, but turning them to a soft looking wave. She made her way back downstairs to see David only in his white dress shirt, which was opened all the way, and only his boxers for his lower half. He was staring at the blank tv screen, not noticing her reflection as she approached him. Quietly she creeped up behind him, covering his eyes from behind with her hands.


"Hmm... that hot blonde that loves me so much?"

"Great guess Dave," she chuckled, rolling her eyes as she climbed over the back of the couch, sliding down onto the spot beside him. David wrapped his arm around Jennifer's shoulder, turning to her, in which he didn't expect her outfit to be this.

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