Synn stared at his doing. It felt foreign to have completed it so quick. Usually he takes his time, creating slash after slash on their body. This was awfully fast. He looked back up at Aurora who was breathing heavily as she stared at him. He made the conscious decision to take down his hood with fear she may just suspect it was him simply by the hood. That girl is too clever for her own good.

Aurora didn't know what to think. It surely wasnt the worst thing she had witnessed, which is rather unfortunate, but it didn't make it any easier. She didn't feel afraid however. She had a fair idea who this guy was. It didn't take much guessing, seeing as there was only one guy who did damage like this. What she didn't understand was why he was here, in her home. Ones first thought would be that he was here to kill her or one of her brother, yet it never even crossed her mind. Dare she say, she felt safe around him. A sudden banging on the door caused Aurora to jump. She knew it was her brothers trying to get in. She looked towards the killer, panicked, though he didn't seem entirely fazed.

"You need to hide" She whispered. Synn furrowed his eyebrows and cocked his head at her. He was almost sure she would be afraid of him after witnessing what he just did. He slowly walked towards her. She stood right before her, staring down into her eyes as she looked back up at his for the first time. Their eye contact made his heart jump slightly.

"Unless you're going to kill me too" Aurora trailed off. She didn't look too scared to Synn, if that's what she really thought. He didn't want to speak, with fear she'd recognise his voice. She was a clever little bitch.

"But I'd really prefer if you didn't, cause I have this friend, and I don't want him to be mad at me for not showing up again" She quickly included. Synns eyes widened slightly. She was talking about him, right? Did she really care that much. Synn could feel his heart pushing against his chest, begging to be released. He knew he had to leave. He reached his hand up to her face. His black leather gloves smeared blood against her soft skin. By now, Auroras heart was beating wildly also. She felt sick and twisted to be finding this insanely hot.

The door burst open and Alaric stormed in first with Levi behind him. Synn looked at Alaric who was glaring at him. He was oblivious to Levi and Elijah's blazing gaze. Though they had never seen him before, they knew by the descriptive appearance relayed to them that this was the notorious mafia killer. Levi was nervous, seeing his hands on Aurora who was staring up at him solemnly, not a lick of fear on her face as he towered over her, knife in hand and covered in blood. Synn finally caught Levi's gaze. He recognised him. He had seen his face somewhere, he cocked his head slightly, trying to figure out where but quickly snapped out of it when he realised the situation he was in. He was caught.

Synn looked back down at Aurora and dropped his hand from her face. He stepped away from her, walking backwards towards the window. Mockingly, he motioned to the mess he had made before turning around and standing up on the window ledge. Then he jumped. Auroras heart sunk and she ran to the ledge to see if he was alive. She looked down but he was nowhere to be seen.

Levi came up behind her and brought her into his arms. He grabbed her face, inspecting it with frantic eyes to see if she had been hurt anywhere. Aurora shook her head.

"I'm fine. He protected me" She said quietly. Alarics ears perked up and he moved closer to them.

"What do you mean he protected you Aurora. Don't be so naive. Do you have any idea who that was?" Levi asked, stunned at the things he was hearing from her mouth. Aurora frowned and looked up at him.

"I know who that was. Don't doubt me. I came in here to breathe and was followed by William Westwood and a bunch of his little friends. He was gonna kill me Levi. Kill me because of your decision to remove all connections with them. But he didn't cause that killer sliced his throat before he could, along with the rest of them. I dont know why the fuck he was here but if he wanted to kill me, I must definitely wouldn't be standing here" Auroras tone was stern, trying to sound strong and confident. Alaric stared at her, knowing she was telling the truth. That little son of a bitch cared about her more than he could ever let on.

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