" We better go now if we want to beat the tides. " Rikki says, as she fastens her helmet.

Emma wants to asks a ton of questions because she hated being in the dark about things, but she holds her tongue for a more convenient time. She would get all the answers she wants, and neither Mirabelle not Rikki would be able to avoid her.

The person watches as the four girls leave the school on their bicycles. They've been watching them for days now lurking in the shadows remaining unseen.

It wasn't time to make their appearance known yet, they still needed concrete proof and a good excuse to get into the lives of the girls.

They take a long swig out of their cigarette, and then proceed to squash it under their feet. They get into their car, and drive back the way they came. That was enough observation for one day.

So far, the mission seemed easy enough. They'd gathered enough Intel for their boss and couldn't wait to put it into work. If what they were speculating was true, then each of those girls would be worth billions of dollars on the market, if everything pans out as planned.

They smile to themselves darkly.
" Soon enough, it'll be pay day. " They say to themselves maniacally.


" What! " Cleo and Emma scream as Mirabelle recounts everything that had been going on since Saturday.

" Jeez, easy on the volume I'm pretty sure South Korea heard you. " Rikki shuns them as she continues to scroll through Mirabelle's phone disinterested.

Mirabelle just sits there blushing and biting her lip. She had only summarized everything that had been going on between she and Darren, and tactfully left out some details that she didn't feel was appropriate to share, like their encounters during free period, lunch, and after school. She blushed even harder at the memory of the latter.

" Wait, wait, wait. Why are you so calm? " Emma asks as she turns to face Rikki. They were currently sitting on the huge boulder at the secluded part of the beach.

" Well, if you must know, I had a pretty good idea about was going on because I'm very observant. But I didn't know they'd already hooked up, and am as shocked as you on that one." Rikki answers nonchalantly.

" No no no, we didn't...we haven't hooked up or anything like that, were just taking things slow and seeing where this will lead. " Mirabelle defends shyly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

" I didn't even know you liked him at all. I mean the first time we talked, you were crying because of him, and you looked pretty shaken up by whatever it is he did to you...and now you're taking things slow? I'm honestly confused, what changed? " Cleo asks, her eyes narrowed at Mirabelle.

" I guess all we needed was a little push to make things become clearer. " Mirabelle gives a cryptic response.

" Does he know about...you? " Emma asks seriously.

Mirabelle's smile drops instantly.

" I thought so. " Emma says condescendingly.

" Oh chill out Emma, they've only just started dating, it's not like they're getting married or some shit like that, so cut the girl some slack will you. And besides Mirabelle is smart enough to know what to do about this secret which has had longer than any of us, so I think we can all relax. " Rikki says, dismissing Emma's concerns. She knew where Emma was going, but she wasn't going to let her get there. Mirabelle deserved to be happy, and this secret had no right to interfere.

" Rikki's right Em. Mirabelle's not a kid and I know we can trust her enough to know what to do when the time comes. " Cleo concurs.

" I hope you're right, and I am happy for you. Just be careful okay. " Emma says with a smile.

" Thanks guys. " Mirabelle says happily.

She was happy to have told them about it, even though she did leave out a major detail. For some reason, she didn't want them to know about the man in the alley, at least not until she could understand his connection to Darren. She was very protective of Darren, and didn't want anyone in his business, not even her friends.

" Well, now that that's done, " Rikki says standing up. " Who's up for a swim? " She asks smiling.

" I am. " Emma and Mirabelle says simultaneously, standing up too.

" I don't know..." Cleo starts to object.

" Hey, don't start, we're all swimming together, no excuses. " Rikki immediately counters with a pout.

" Oh alright. " Cleo gives in and stands up as well.

She wasn't going to admit it, but she'd finally come to terms with her abilities, after all, without them Lewis would be dead by now, because she wouldn't have been able to get to him in time, let alone save him. Maybe having powers wasn't the worst thing that happened to her.

" Ready? " Mirabelle says as they look down at the Crystal waters below the boulder.

" You know it. " Rikki responds with a smirk.

They don't bother taking off their clothes, as they jump into the water on the count of three, all of them together for the first time.


Hey lovelyz!!!

I want to say a big THANK YOU to all my supportive readers, you guys are amazing.

We finally hit 20k reads and I can't appreciate you enough. Thank you all for your votes and comments, for also tolerating my late updates, I'm seriously working to fix that so just bear with me.

So, what do you all think about this chapter, who do you think that mystery person is?

The mystery and intrigue has officially begun, so stay tuned for more drama filled chapters. Just a hint: it'll get worse before it gets better.

Please vote and comment.

Song Suggestion: After School By WEEEKLY 👍

Till next time

Luwiza out ✌️

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