Alter End

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Third POV

Ellia. A small kingdom that is surrounded by trees and mountains. It's small and peaceful, contrast to the other kingdoms.

It's been three years since he moved here with his lover, and he loves the peaceful atmosphere here.

The male adjusted his hood more, passing by a few females who are busy chatting about the great empire, Eternia.

"Have you heard about the news? The emperor's have finally introduce their sons! They are so cute and handsome!"

"Oh my goodness! Really?! Ah, after three years of hiding behind the walls, they are finally rising back to their feets!"

"Yeah, loosing your empress is pretty hard. Poor kids, they won't be able to feel the love a mother holds."

"I know right? It's a shame the empress died! I heard he is really pretty, the most beautiful empress of all time! It must be so hard for the emperor's to move on and live their life.."


Now, the male isn't one who meddles with other people's business but it's true.

Three years has passed since the empire was taken over by Eternia, but even those years, the new emperor's never once showed themselves in public.

But news spread like a wildfire, when the emperor's suddenly shows themselves to the public, along with their three childs. They publicity announce that the queen is dead, due to the fact that he gave birth way too early. And he gave birth to three childrens at that!

It was a heartbreaking sight to see the Kings holding their tears as they announced the news, even after those years, they are still heartbroken and devastated.

The male pities them. It must be so hard to loose a spouse. He can't imagine loosing his lover.

He sighed, walking down the streets and stopping by a few shops, stopping and picking the things he needs.

His lover will be cooking his favourite dessert, strawberry cake.

After buying all the necessary things, he hops down back to their medium house, not so small but not so big either, it's a comfy home.

He opened the door, immediately removing his hood revealing his blue shiny hair.

He wonders why he has this hair, when he should have pure blond or black but his lover said he's special so he didn't bother much about it. He hates attention so he always put his hood.

He drops the fruits and other things on their table, calling out his lovers name.

He frowns, is he out? Is he hunting for food again?

Just as he was about to enter their room, an arm snakes around his waist, pulling him to a hard rock body making him gasp.

"Sunggyeo! Don't surprised me like that ever again!" The male scolded his lover, as the red haired male laughed heartily and pecking his lovers pouty lips.

"Sorry, Taehyun-ie!"

(A/N: 😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶 are y'all excited?! Bye💜💜💜💜💜💜💜)

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