Chapter 38: The Reason

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"I'm Kim Siya..."

"Doesn't ring a bell.."

The woman clicked her tongue in annoyance, of course Taehyung would never talk about her! That bitch probably kept her existence a secret.

"Anyways, Taehyung is not the person you know, your majesties..." Namjoon scoffed in disbelief, smirking at the woman.

"Do you think I'm that stupid, to trust someone whom I dont know, over my own husband?"

"Well, you'll see for yourself.."

"Because Taehyung, has a bastard child..." Namjoon and Yoongi fell quite, processing the woman's words.

Siya smirked in victory, the Kings are easy to sway to her side.

"Hahahhahahhaha!!!" She frowned when Yoongi and Namjoon laughed, clutching their stomachs

"You think, we'll believe that excuse?! And here I am thinking that you'll say something more smart.." Yoongi calmed down, his mood suddenly turning mad.

" you think I'll spare you.. After you bad-mouthed your queen, and dare to speak to us without respect?" Yoongi gritted his teeth, charging to her in full speed but Siya managed to jump up high and clutch on the roof.

"You'll believe me after you see him going to a man's house.." The woman mock, before she jumps and disappearing in the dark sky.

Namjoon rolled his eyes, are they going to doubt him after what that woman said? Hell no. Taehyung is the most sweetest, and adorable human being he has ever seen.

He loves his husband. And bastard child? For fucks sake, Taehyung is seventeen!

He shakes his thoughts, approaching Yoongi and placing his hand on his shoulders.

"We should kill her!!" Yoongi fumed, not liking the way she talk to his husband. That bitch deserves to die!

Namjoon shaked his head, they can't do that. And besides, why waste some time to a pathetic excuse of a human being?

"That bitch probably did that for a weird obsession. Let's go before Taehyung cries.." Yoongi remembered the fresh strawberries they were supposed to buy for their beloved husband and immediately drag Namjoon to the nearest store.

Over the next following days, Yoongi and Namjoon has already forgot about the incident. What's use to think about something dumb?

They spend their time with their husbands, the six of them always giving extra love to their adorable husband names Kim Taehyung.

Taehyung always love their attentions and love. He also loves taking care and showering them loves too if they're tired or stressed.

That was until a month passed, and the unexpected happened. Taehyung's grandmother, and his beloved cousin, suddenly died in a carriage attack when they were on their way back to the kingdom.

It really shattered Taehyung, as he is also very close to his grandmother and cousin. But they just died like that for people who wants golds.

Taehyung completely locked himself on his room, refusing to come out and crying to himself. It really pained his husbands.

They tried to talk to him, convince him to come out of the room but Taehyung doesn't want to face them yet.

He feels like he's indirectly a part of the murder. Because when he went to the scene, he saw a note that says it's because of him they died.

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