At around 10 am my phone alarm rings warning me it's time to get ready for the day. So I get up to wash the little dishes I had used before going up to my room, getting both leashes out and putting Conell and Bella in their harnesses then going to change myself. I am crying internally since I have to dress formally.

Putting both babies on their leashes which are connected I get out of the room

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Putting both babies on their leashes which are connected I get out of the room. Going back to the living room to grab some treats for the pets and my water bottle. Exiting the house through the door connected to the house where I unlock and get in the car. Making sure the pets were secured and wouldn't roam around while I drove. After I put on my own seat belt I pull out and make my way to the mansion I was in yesterday.

The drive was long and pretty boring so I decided to do a vlog. Cause why not. Grabbing the small camera I set it on the dashboard. Hey guys. I'm running a few errands today. But I got pretty bored driving in silence even with the music in the background. So I decided to make a vlog which I'm still talking about myself but oh well.

I continue informing and also asking questions that will be answered when the video gets posted. But oh well. This way the road was a bit more toleratable but still pretty boring. So I turned up the volume and started having a concert in the car.

~time skip~

The week is up meaning I have to fly back home. I'm happy and sad at the same time. Happy to see the members but sad to leave my mom and dad again. But things have to be done and sacrifices have to be made. So hugged my parents goodbye and get in the car where the puppy carrier rested.

I'm gonna surprise the boys cause they think I'm going to come tomorrow. Bangtan bomb idea, at least that's what they said but who knows. In all honesty, I do not understand why I going back right now when the boys and I will probably be back again by next week. Oh well. Let's get on with a long-ass boring flight back home.

~half a day time skip~

'We're here. Finally.' I think while unfastening my seat belt and getting up to stretch. Grabbing the empty crate and putting a leash on my curious baby. Carefully I go down the plane steps giving the crate to a guard and taking Conell in my arms.

We go through airport security and all that shiz before being able to leave. Getting in the car I see a cameraman there making me wave. They're in an interview right now. So after you'll go give them a big bouquet of flowers that'll cover your face. He explains making me nod my head in understanding.

During the drive, I'm filled in with what I have to do. By the time we'd get there the interview would be done. The boys are gonna be in the dressing room and the cameras are gonna film them from the inside. The drive was pretty quick since the television building was on the outskirts.

Getting out of the car someone takes Conell with them while I am given maybe the biggest bouquet I've ever seen. Taking it in my hands I am led to the room. But at the start of the hallway, the camera starts filming. Walking casually to the room I knock before covering my face with the flowers.

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