司南 ~ A Gaze Like Stars (星辰如眸)

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Song from Fall in Love

Si Nan: Qīngchén yānyǔ huánghūn qīng shì wēnróu
Shàonián róngzhuāng chíchěng xīngchén rú móu
Yǎnshén wēnnuǎn jiāndìng màn xiào fúshēng
Shì yīduàn fēnghuá yī zhǐ liúshā mòrán huíshǒu
清晨 烟雨 黄昏 倾世温柔
少年 戎装 驰骋 星辰如眸
眼神 温暖 坚定 漫笑浮生
是一段风华 一指流砂 蓦然回首
The misty rain at dawn and the tender dusk
The young man in uniform galloping with a gaze like stars
His eyes are so loving, determined and happy
The memories will remain in the heart

Dōngtiān xuěhuā piāoluò de jìjié nǐ huái zhōng què shì chūntiān
Huāxiāng bù mǎnle shìjiān liángchén hǎojǐng rù xiàtiān
Shù yīn zhē zhùle juànliàn qìn xīn yú nǐ zài qiūtiān
Qíng shēn miánmián sàn luòyè piānpiān qíng jiànjiàn
冬天 雪花飘落的季节 你怀中却似春天
花香布满了世间 良辰好景入夏天
树荫遮住了眷恋 沁心于你在秋天
情深绵绵散落 叶翩翩 情渐渐
Winter, the season of falling snow, but you have spring in your arms
And the whole world smells like flower, recalls that during the sunny summer
The memories have been hidden, during the autumn
The memories are disclosed, as the leaves fall, dancing and swirling in the air

Qīngchén yānyǔ huánghūn qīng shì wēnróu
Shàonián róngzhuāng chíchěng xīngchén rú móu
Yǎnshén wēnnuǎn jiāndìng màn xiào fúshēng
Shì yīduàn fēnghuá yī zhǐ liúshā mòrán huíshǒu
清晨 烟雨 黄昏 倾世温柔
少年 戎装 驰骋 星辰如眸
眼神 温暖 坚定 漫笑浮生
是一段风华 一指流砂 蓦然回首
The misty rain at dawn and the tender dusk
The young man in uniform galloping with a gaze like stars
His eyes are so loving, determined and happy
The memories will remain in the heart

Dōngtiān xuěhuā piāoluò de jìjié nǐ huái zhōng què shì chūntiān
Huāxiāng bù mǎnle shìjiān liángchén hǎojǐng rù xiàtiān
Shù yīn zhē zhùle juànliàn qìn xīn yú nǐ zài qiūtiān
Qíng shēn miánmián sàn luòyè piānpiān qíng jiànjiàn
冬天 雪花飘落的季节 你怀中却似春天
花香布满了世间 良辰好景入夏天
树荫遮住了眷恋 沁心于你在秋天
情深绵绵散落 叶翩翩 情渐渐
Winter, the season of falling snow, but you have spring in your arms
And the whole world smells like flower, recalls that during the sunny summer
The memories have been hidden, during the autumn
The memories are disclosed, as the leaves fall, dancing and swirling in the air

Dōngtiān xuěhuā piāoluò de jìjié nǐ huái zhōng què shì chūntiān
Huāxiāng bù mǎnle shìjiān liángchén hǎojǐng rù xiàtiān
Shù yīn zhē zhùle juànliàn qìn xīn yú nǐ zài qiūtiān
Qíng shēn miánmián sàn luòyè piānpiān qíng jiànjiàn
冬天 雪花飘落的季节 你怀中却似春天
花香布满了世间 良辰好景入夏天
树荫遮住了眷恋 沁心于你在秋天
情深绵绵散落 叶翩翩 情渐渐
Winter, the season of falling snow, but you have spring in your arms
And the whole world smells like flower, recalls that during the sunny summer
The memories have been hidden, during the autumn
The memories are disclosed, as the leaves fall, dancing and swirling in the air

中国戏剧 原声带 歌曲歌词 (Part 3/25)Where stories live. Discover now