鞠婧祎 ~ Never Part Again (莫离)

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Song from Rebirth For You

Ju Jing Yi: Chū jiàn huái cāijì shìtàn liǎng kē shàonián xīn
Suī lùtú duō chuǎn bǐcǐ zài cè zhǐ jué tiāndì jìng
Duì yǐn liǎng hú chá hēibái zhī zhēng nán dìng xià
Cháng rì qīngxián fǔqín tīng cǐ qū shéi jiārén rú huà
Hébì dú shǎng chuāng qián huā yírán zìdé yòu yī xià
Pàn cóng jīn zhǎng xiàng shǒu gòng shǎng yī lián fēngyǎ
初见怀猜忌 试探两颗少年心
虽路途多舛 彼此在侧只觉天地静
对饮两壶茶 黑白之争难定下
长日清闲抚琴听此曲 谁家人如画
何必独赏窗前花 怡然自得又一夏
盼从今长相守 共赏一帘风雅

The first time I saw you, I was suspicious, I'm trying out two young heart
Although the road is bumpy, beside each other only feel the world is still quiet
Drinking two pots of tea together, it's hard to decide between black and white
I've been listening to this song for a long time, who's home is like a painting
Why do I have to enjoy the flowers in front of the window alone
I hope to stay together for a long time and enjoy a curtain of elegance together

Nà rì yānyǔ ménglóng cǎi xiù qín pěng yù zhōng
Xián lái zhuó jiǔ duìyì yǔ jūn tóng shéi liào chuāngwài fēng dòng
Rǎo wǒ yī juàn qīng mèng jīnxiāo gūyǐng zhào jīng hóng
Huāyǐng yā chuāng jǐ zhòng yè suí yún yáng bìkōng
Huíláng yīcùn zhōng chóngféng zhí shǒu lèiyǎn ménglóng
Yuè xià tīng jūn sīyǔ cóngcǐ bùbì fēnlí
那日烟雨朦胧 彩袖勤捧玉钟
闲来酌酒对弈与君同 谁料窗外风动
扰我一卷清梦 今宵孤影照惊鸿
花影压窗几重 叶随云扬碧空
回廊一寸终重逢 执手泪眼朦胧
月下听君私语 从此不必分离

That day was misty and rainy, with colorful sleeves holding the jade bell
I was drinking and playing with you at leisure, who expected the wind outside the window
Disturbing my dream, tonight, the lonely shadow shines on the frightened
The shadow of flowers presses the window several times, the leaves followed blue sky
The corridor is finally reunited, holding hands with tearful eyes
Listen to your whispers under the moon, no need to part from now on

Chū jiàn huái cāijì shìtàn liǎng kē shàonián xīn
Suī lùtú duō chuǎn bǐcǐ zài cè zhǐ jué tiāndì jìng
Duì yǐn liǎng hú chá hēibái zhī zhēng nán dìng xià
Cháng rì qīngxián fǔqín tīng cǐ qū shéi jiārén rú huà
Hébì dú shǎng chuāng qián huā yírán zìdé yòu yī xià
Pàn cóng jīn zhǎng xiàng shǒu gòng shǎng yī lián fēngyǎ
初见怀猜忌 试探两颗少年心
虽路途多舛 彼此在侧只觉天地静
对饮两壶茶 黑白之争难定下
长日清闲抚琴听此曲 谁家人如画
何必独赏窗前花 怡然自得又一夏
盼从今长相守 共赏一帘风雅

The first time I saw you, I was suspicious, I'm trying out two young heart
Although the road is bumpy, beside each other only feel the world is still quiet
Drinking two pots of tea together, it's hard to decide between black and white
I've been listening to this song for a long time, who's home is like a painting
Why do I have to enjoy the flowers in front of the window alone
I hope to stay together for a long time and enjoy a curtain of elegance together

Nà rì yānyǔ ménglóng cǎi xiù qín pěng yù zhōng
Xián lái zhuó jiǔ duìyì yǔ jūn tóng shéi liào chuāngwài fēng dòng
Rǎo wǒ yī juàn qīng mèng jīnxiāo gūyǐng zhào jīng hóng
Huāyǐng yā chuāng jǐ zhòng yè suí yún yáng bìkōng
Huíláng yīcùn zhōng chóngféng zhí shǒu lèiyǎn ménglóng
Yuè xià tīng jūn sīyǔ cóngcǐ bùbì fēnlí
那日烟雨朦胧 彩袖勤捧玉钟
闲来酌酒对弈与君同 谁料窗外风动
扰我一卷清梦 今宵孤影照惊鸿
花影压窗几重 叶随云扬碧空
回廊一寸终重逢 执手泪眼朦胧
月下听君私语 从此不必分离

That day was misty and rainy, with colorful sleeves holding the jade bell
I was drinking and playing with you at leisure, who expected the wind outside the window
Disturbing my dream, tonight, the lonely shadow shines on the frightened
The shadow of flowers presses the window several times, the leaves followed blue sky
The corridor is finally reunited, holding hands with tearful eyes
Listen to your whispers under the moon, no need to part from now on

Nányǐ wànghuái shì suǒyǒu de yùjiàn yǐwéi bùjīngyì yuánlái zǎo zhùdìng
Duō xīwàng duō pànwàng shíjiān zǒu màn yīdiǎn yǒngbào jiǔ xiē
难以忘怀是所有的遇见 以为不经意原来早注定
多希望 多盼望时间走慢一点 拥抱久些

I can't forget all the encounters, I thought I was unintentional, but it was destined
I wish, I wish time would go slower, to embrace longer

Jūn qí báimǎ chuí gōng wǒ zhī mèng yě xiāngtóng
Yǎn chuán róuqíng mì yì sù qíng zhōng zūnqián zhú wài fēng dòng
Yòu yì zuórì xiāng yōng zhí zǐ zhī shǒu bùcéng kōng
Huāyǐng yā chuāng jǐ zhòng yè suí yún yáng bìkōng
Huíláng yīcùn zhōng chóngféng zhí shǒu lèiyǎn ménglóng
Yuè xià tīng jūn sīyǔ cóngcǐ bùbì fēnlí
君骑白马垂弓 我知梦也相同
眼传柔情蜜意诉情衷 樽前烛外风动
又忆昨日相拥 执子之手不曾空
花影压窗几重 叶随云扬碧空
墨玉簪花落水中 共看莲池游鱼
好似你我同心 鸳鸯交颈相依

You ride a white horse with a bow, I know the dream is the same
My eyes tell me of my love and affection, the wind is moving in front of the bottle
Remembering yesterday's embrace, the hand of my son is never empty
The shadow of flowers presses the window several times, the leaves followed blue sky
The ink jade hairpin falls into the water, watching the lotus pond swimming
As if you and I are one, the lovebirds are intertwined

中国戏剧 原声带 歌曲歌词 (Part 3/25)Where stories live. Discover now