Chapter 56: Do you Want to be Here?

Start from the beginning

"Trent you are ridiculous, stop with the questions already." He laughs "she will love it. She loves everything."

"Ya I know, I just don't know if it's enough?" I scratch the back of my neck.

"Oh god Trent, there's a reason why she told you that she didn't need anything. Because you have given her the best gift anyone can give. Why are you so nervous?"

"Honestly it's because this year has been hell and I keep letting her down and I just..."

"Shut up," Alex cuts me off. "Do you want to be here?"

"What?" I ask.

"Do you want to be here? Do you want to be here with the one person that you know will be with you for the rest of your life? Or are you starting to question the choices you have made in the last 9 months since you've asked her to marry you?" Alex asks me.

I sit there in shock. Alex is the last person I thought would ever say that. Definitely have taken me by surprise. Am I questioning my choices? "What if I'm too young to be a dad?" I confess.

"Trent you really need to figure this stuff out. You have less than 2 months before your daughter comes into this world. I thought the same thing before axel was born. But he has been the best thing that could ever happen to Perrie and I. That was the moment I knew that she was my forever. Because I knew I was ready, I knew I was ready to take that step in my life to have a beautiful family. A beautiful son and a fucking gorgeous wife. Maybe you just have to remind yourself that things happen for a reason. You messed up yes, but that mess up might have made your relationship stronger. And that might be for the better."

"Ya but Alex you are twenty eight, that's a perfect time to start a family. I'm only twenty two turning twenty three. I still have my entire life a head of me. I don't want to put the team second. I want to be able to continue my career. I want to make history Alex."

"Even before the baby, the team has always been second. You get sick, you have to put your health first. Something happens in the family, you put them first. You get injured, you put recovery first. Whether you want to admit it or not, you will always put the team second. Shaima and your guys child is just another thing added to your life that will always come first, and well trent that is okay. I'm sure not always and there is gonna be times where Shay tells you that you should be at training and all that but there is gonna be a time where her car is gonna break down. Or a time where your daughter is gonna get sick and you have to stay and help out. Shit happens, you just have to make things work."

"Do you think I'm ready? Cause I'm scared. I'm scared that I'm gonna screw up Alex." I confess, "I'm terrified. I have 2 months, 2 months to figure all this shit out before she comes and it's terrifying. What if I mess up changing her diaper? What if I forgot to burp her? I'm panicking here"

"That's all part of being a dad Trent" he laughs. "You learn new things, something you are gonna suck at. But it's all a learning experience."

I sigh and place her gift on the kitchen counter. "This is terrifying." I sigh.

"IM HOMEEEEE" I hear Shaima yell at the front door. Alex laughs at the sudden outburst. She walks in the kitchen with Mason behind her with shopping bags in their hands. Some with clothes and some with groceries.

"Mason you didn't have to go grocery shopping with her." I laugh.

"I got forced" he laughs and she hits him.

"I did not force you to do anything. It just so happens to be right next to the mall we went" she smirks.

"You're ridiculous" Mason laughs.

"You love me and you know it." She smiles

"Again forced love." Mason teases

"No that's only to Declan," she points out and we all laugh. "Which reminds me, Declan and Lauren are coming tonight for dinner is that okay?" She asks me.

"Ya of course, you don't have to ask me." I smile.

"Ya I know but I didn't want them to surprise you and ruin whatever plans you have."

"Well thank you for considering me." I lean down and peck her lips.

She smiles "so what did you guys do today?"

"Nothing I just got here, Perrie is coming in a bit with Axel and we will probably stay for dinner as well. I also had a long life talk with dumbass here" Alex says and I glare at him.

"Anything I have to worry about?" Shaima asks.

"Nope we are all good," I smile.

"Well on a bright side, she bought you a birthday present today." Mason tries to change the subject.

"Shaima my birthday isn't for another month..." I raise my eyebrow.

"Ya but I hate shopping so I thought I would get it over with."

"Well we are celebrating you tonight," Alex laughs.

"Don't remind me" she laughs.

"You really hate your birthday don't you?" Alex laughs.

"It's just I didn't really have the best birthdays growing up so it didn't really phase me that I'm another year older" she shrugged "plus usually it's only mase, dec and I. I don't even think Trent and I spent a birthday together besides his and well mine last year."

"Well we are changing that," I smile and kiss her temple. The doorbell rings and she gets all excited.

"Axel!!!" She squeals and runs to the door. The three of us laugh.

"She's your best friend," I point at Mason.

"Ya I'll take responsibility for that" he laughs and puts his hands up in defence. "So what did you get her?"

"A locket with our daughters name on it. She will love it. What did she get me?"

"Are you trying to kill me??" Mason laughs

"Ugh fineeeee" I laugh. Shaima comes in the room with Axel in her hands and all I could do is admire this sight. And in less than 2 months, it'll be us experiencing it. The question is, am I ready for it?


Do you guys think Trent is ready for this commitment?

Also what do you think the name should be for their daughter?

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