The Poet's Prayer

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Give me the bright dawn with tongues of flame over

Harrowed fields, a glorious redoubt proud

On the bluff of my days, defying the

Bleak demands of Fortune's ever-turning wheel.

Give me the sharp air with shanks of ice in each

Laboured breath, invigorating vital fire

In my dull embers, burning away the

Lethargy that seizes blood, bone and marrow.

Give me the blue sky with skylarks dancing on

Cloudless horizons, the Bowl of Life filled

To brimming with wine and honey, the sweet

Vittles that charge our minds with aspirant love.

Give me the grey mountains with green valleys under

Snow-clad towering majesty, harbouring

Crystal springs that, fed by a thousand rains,

Nourish our days and bathe our wounds.

Give me the raging ocean with storm winds flinging

Tumultuous surf on vanquished shores, drowning

The clamour of the city in wilderness seas,

Restlessness becalmed in vast, lightless depths.

Give me desire with tenderest kisses in that blissful

Ache of innocence, kicking angrily against

The restraints of a jealous world, consumed by

Satin lusts and her wildest, naked beauty.

Give me the soft earth with quiet embrace in its

Crumbled darkness, in which life is given

To vine and flower and I can seek my rest

Beneath the tread of other, bolder voyagers.

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