The Birthday

14 4 3

It was an unremarkable day,

Sans drama or even mild event,

As I crept another year through

A plague's seasons, from womb to grave.

I started out with fruit and honey,

Coffee, rich and dark, bitter like

The months from years before,

And promises to myself to smile and try.

And I did, too, with earnest application,

Determined to do more and better

In the digital voids that fill the hours,

Between the daydreams and distractions.

Then, with mischievous abandon,

I left it all behind and stepped abroad,

Into the sweet-smelling wood once more,

The restless beck agitating over stones.

There, on the old route I walk alone,

I saw no difference to the path,

Trod between the rocks broken by

Forgotten hands beneath the weeping trees.

23rd September 2021

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