Afternoon Notes in The Crown

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A morning meeting in Caffè Nero
With a woman I didn't know:

Attentive smiles and careful questions
As she seeks to learn me.

Lunch with a former colleague,
Excited as her life moves forward:

Vibrant, young and yet to taste
The subtle knife of sympathy.

Words from an ex-lover,
Kind and curious, from nowhere:

A strangely sad (and sadly strange)
Enquiry from across an ocean.

Three old soaks chatting,
A friendship steeped in warm beer:

Joanna Lumley's self-indulgence,
Photography and the fun of driving.

A coffee, soon, in familiar surrounds,
A place I should no longer frequent:

The pang of familiarity certain,
A relief at leaving much less so.

Dinner with an old friend pending,
A menu of wine and musings:

Thoughts of what went wrong and
How we broke the promise of

The way we thought was right.

13th July 2015

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