Oblivion Calling

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In every bone and in every muscle,

With each thought, each spark of

Synapse and each dream image, I

Ache for the sea: her dusty paths,

Her shattered rocks and her

Spikes of gorse that scrape

My shins and paint bloodlines

On my cracked and burning skin.

I need her tendril fingers, threads

Of shoreline brine, pulling me

Down into her freezing depths,

Knocking dead air from these

Choked-up lungs and making me

Kick hard against the wild world,

Challenging me to fight and

Best her thrash and fury.

I need to ride her spray-crowned

Waves, navigate the ever shifting

Valleys of the calm between, and

Land, eventually, among the

Sand and stones, battered by

Her tide-flung mauls of salt water

That vanish like legends: the only

Trace her marks upon the soul.

22nd August 2015

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