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It beats us all, eventually, Time's river,

this ever-rolling stream of hymn and prayer,

that soaks our words and chills our bones

and relentlessly bears us each away.

We bought the stories, some of us, and tried,

set fast against that torrent of trends which

tears from roots and carries the lost

to distant shores, gasping, floundering, 

to new beginnings and differing courses,

far from home and Innocence's vital spring.

Yes, vain, we were, and selfish, weighing

constancy and challenge and erring

- as we're wont to do - on the side of our

most loyal friend: Caution, who smiles an

easy charm and soft seduction and

keeps us paddling in the shallows,

damming us with verse and fables 

as deeper waters pass us by.

And safe it was, until, worn down by loss

and urgent, last ambition's flow,

it fell: this sturdy refuge that we

built across the years from safety

in the past made present, from

ways that we were taught to be.

Then, too late, we realise we

might have carved a different way

to reach those secret, glittering seas where

ours are the dreams that would dive and swim.

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