Saturday At Sonisphere, Knebworth 2014

43 9 8

We came in our thousands, young and old,

rich and poor, the quiet, the odd and the

lonely misfit, each suddenly a warrior in a

crowd that didn't care for how we looked or

dressed or wore our hair, but revelled in the

dread noise and anthem rage of yesterday.

For one glorious day, that wore seasons

in its hours — from rain to burning sunshine —

we forgot our years and leapt and screamed and

pumped the air, a whirling, swaying, howling

throng of dervishes, hoping childishly our time

might never end, that this day would last forever.

And then, as evening fell and pyres were lit,

we prayed aloud that we might spend just

one more moment in the awesome presence

of our gods, axes borne aloft as artificial suns

blazed and blinded, and we grew misty-eyed in

this reliving of our glory days in beer and song.

9th March 2015

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