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Chapter 20 ~

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Chapter 20

I breathed deep before I opened the door. The house was quite, way to quite. The hallway was empty, so was the living room. I made my way to the stairs and as I put my foot down a floor board creaked load

"Samantha stop right there,"

Her voice was cold. I didn't dare to turn around but I knew she was staring into my back.

"I'm just going to bed... you should too,"

"Samantha stop with the bullshit and look at me when you are talking," I turned around, keeping my head down.

She stood there with her hands on her waist. Her hair was in a bun and small pieces was sticking out from it. "Take of your fucking sunglasses,"

I breathed out as I took them off. When I met my moms eyes again she laughed at me. "of course you're high,"

I couldn't hid nor lie. "You think I like doing this?!" She was walking closer to me as her voice few louder. "A see me Samantha, DO YOU THINK I LIKE DOING THIS?"

I stepped back from her and her eyes was locked into mine. My breathing picked up.

"Everyday I wait for you and just hoping that maybe today is the day you finally change," I broke the eye contact with her and kept staring at the floor. "I'm so disappointed in you,"

I couldn't get a word out.

"If I could stop trying with you I would," she wasn't screaming anymore. She was just looking at me.  "We are going on a vacation,"

"What?" I looked up at her with tears in my eyes.

"Not you,"

"Okay?" I felt a single tear fall from my eye and I was quick to wipe it away.

"Go to you room it's 2 in the fucking morning!" She screamed at me making me flinch. I couldn't move. "Go now!" She screamed again and I stumbled back.

I ran up the stairs with my breath in my throat and as I made it to my room I collapsed. I wrapped my arms around my body as I let out my tears. The shaking took over my body and I forced myself to breath.

I woke up still on the floor. I hadn't slept much. I walked down the stairs and prepared me for what was about to come.

No one was in the kitchen so I peeked into the living room. But it was also empty. I stood in front if their bedroom to try to hear if they were there, but it was also quite. I opened the door and it was empty .

What the fuck.

I went in to the kitchen again and saw a note on the counter.

Maggie will pick you up.

No "take care, I love you" or " We have already left, love mom" just that sentence.

Do you now what the fuck is going on
Have my mom talked to you??
You up?

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