28 | cotton candy fluff

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You know.

They got their hair done and actually paid for it like normal people.

They actually didn't do anything illegal for the first time in what seemed like forever.

Congratulations, I guess.

Congratulations, I guess

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"I'm sleepy..." Beomgyu muttered, rubbing his eyes as he laid his head on Taehyun's shoulder. They rested for a while at an obscured alleyway, thinking of a place to sleep in for the night. They've walked around for almost an hour and yet they haven't found a single hotel or inn.

"Let's try to sleep here. Just for one night." Yeonjun suggested, which made all 4 members stare at him in confusion.

Hueningkai had a hard pass with this one- sure, they've gone DAYS being homeless, but they always found a place to sleep in. But an alley was just not it.

"I have a huge blanket in my backpack, I don't know if we'll all fit though. There's lots of cardboards around here too, we can use them as a mat." Yeonjun continued, clearly unfazed.

Minutes later, they were finished setting up their "bed". Everyone except for Yeonjun was reluctant, but Soobin figured it was safer this way. No one would even notice them there.

And alas, they all fit under Yeonjun's blanket. They were squished against each other like sardines in a can, but hey- nothing better than being surrounded by the people you love the most, right?

Hueningkai was slowly starting to love it. The ground was hard and they were all definitely going to wake up with back pain, but he still felt cozy because of his brothers around him. And so he did the most Hueningkai thing he could do: he gave them belly rubs.

You're probably thinking "where the hell is all this fluff coming from, I thought I was reading a dark fanfic?"

Shush, let them breathe :')

Soon they all fell asleep soundly, all wrapped in each others arms.

Soobin was naturally the first to wake up, and he immediately flinched and hid under the blanket as the morning sunlight slightly burned his skin.

He immediately did the same to Taehyun too, who was squirming uncomfortable in his sleep.

Soobin looked at his sleeping brothers fondly- the three of them looked cute when they slept.



There was supposed to be four, not including him.

Beomgyu was missing.



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black is a happy color ; txtOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant