vlog #81 | parenting 101 compilation part 2

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"you're gonna be the one to explain to her when that thing died, I'm not gonna deal with your spoiler ass" she stated walking away but i just laugh at her


"where's rose????" i asked already annoyed because she's been in her room getting ready for an hour

"mama I'm here!" she stated getting out and i looked at her raising a brow

"change" i commanded seeing her wearing a backless short dress

"just let her" Scarlett mumbled

"c'mon mama i feel beautiful" she pleaded

"fine, c'mon we're already late granny has been texting me like 489 times now" i huff opening the car door for the both of them

"wait aren't we gonna go to grocery first?" Scarlett asked fixing her seat belt

"shit...i forgot"

rose pouted crossing her arms on what i said making Scarlett chuckle

"rose? i think you're long sleeves is still there...wear it please, granny is gonna kill me saying you're gonna be sick coz of that backless" i huff and she actually get it

we got on the grocery and i just let Scarlett and rose get inside first because I'm struggling on getting my wallet at the car

"what's the matter?" i asked going on their direction seeing Scarlett hiding her face

"there's a man taking pictures" rose mumbled and i looked to the bushes seeing a paparazzi

"there's a man taking pictures" rose mumbled and i looked to the bushes seeing a paparazzi

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"c'mon let's just get inside" i sigh making rose wear my cap

"mama it ruins my Ponytail!!!" she complained

we got inside and rose immediately get her attention at the candies

"mommy!! pleaseeeee"

"no, i told you already no sweets"

"mama?" rose asked raising a bucket of assorted candies getting my attention while I'm looking at the pasta on the counter

"sure baby just put everything you want in the cart" i smiled earning a slap on my bicep

"what???" i asked confused rubbing my bicep


me and Scarlett just looked at each other concerned as we both notice rose has been quiet since she got in the car

"rose do you wanna go grab some cake pops??" i asked cheerfully

"no... I'm full"

"how about we buy you some sweets on the grocery???" Scarlett also asked trying to cheer her up

"mommy I'm full"

we just both sigh and as we got home rose immediately run to her room... normally she's gonna asked us if she can have a snack

"hey babe, we got you some donuts" Scarlett smiled while we're walking inside her room putting the donuts on the night stand

"i told you guys already I'm full" she huff hiding her self on the covers

i quickly few reveal her picking her up to sit on my lap and she immediately pull me in a tight hug straddling me while sniffing

"what happened?" i asked softly pushing her away lightly wiping her tears by my hoodie

"baby tell us.. we're gonna listen" Scarlett says caressing her cheeks

"mommy? mama? am i fat??" she asked and i felt my world just crushed.. personally i suffer from body dysmorphia since i was a kid and i just don't want rose to experience that

"you're not...besides there's no wrong on being fat.. it's normal" i stated still wiping her tears

"who says that?" Scarlett asked also looking worried

"t-they say my tummy is big" she cried trying to catch her breath

"what's wrong with big tummies? rose all bodies are normal" Scarlett explained

"look at mama... you're beautiful.. really really beautiful specially the way you are, you don't need to change anything for others to like you as long as you're happy and you feel beautiful" i smiled and she pull me in a hug again as Scarlett joined us

"now who wants donuts?" i asked smiling and she grabbed one on my hand giggling while me and Scarlett kissed her on the cheeks as the same time

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