Depuis le début

                 Gwen looked at Spike, and said "How could you be so evil?" Spike smiled and said "Practice. Now, be a good girl, or else you'll meet my chew toy." Spike went to walk off, but Gwen said "You know, I hope you kill me." Spike turned, as she said "I don't care if I die, because it'll just make my group want to kill you even more." Spike looked at her, smiled, and said "You're wish shall be granted."

(Cue Walking Dead Intro Music)


                   Gwen walked into a coffee shop, and looked up. Rebecca was inside, holding a little toddler. She looked at the door, and looked shocked. "Gwen, how are you?" "Fine" said Gwen. "Whose this cutie?" "This my son, Sam" said Rebecca. "What have you been up to lately?" "Well, I'm getting married in August" she said. "Oh, congratulations" said Rebecca. "That is fantastic. I am so happy for you."

                     Gwen smiled and said "How's Anthony?" "He's fine" said Rebecca. "He used to be a cop, but decided that teaching Social Studies was much more fun." "Wow, good for him" said Gwen. They were silent for a moment, before Gwen said "Well, it was nice seeing you." She walked off, but Rebecca said "I'm sorry I told Anthony you two couldn't be friends."

                     Gwen stopped, and turned. "I truly am" said Rebecca. "It's just that when we first met, he was in love with you." "What?" Gwen asked. "He was?" Rebecca nodded, and said "I am so sorry that I made your friendship end. I was just worried those feelings would come back." Gwen looked at her, astonished. "But, said Rebecca. "I think he'd love to see you, and I think it would be great if you two could be friends again."

                     Gwen stared at Rebecca with anger, and said "Don't tell him you saw me, please. I can't see him again." Gwen turned and walked off, as Rebecca felt sadness build up inside. "Mommy" said the toddler Sam, and Rebecca smiled. "You just said your first word."

                    Anthony looked around and asked "What happened?" "I don't know" said Terry. "A second I was talking to Gwen, and then I woke up." "What are you saying?" Anthony asked, tears in his eyes. Terry looked frightened, as Hannah said "He's saying Gwen's gone." Tears fell from Anthony's face, as he said "We need to go after Spike. He took her. It has to be him."

                 "Anthony, slow down for a second" said Vivian. "NO, I WILL NOT SLOW DOWN" Anthony bellowed, and everyone looked frightened. "THE LOVE OF MY LIFE IS GONE. WE'RE GOING AFTER HER." "Okay" said Hannah. "Of course we are, but what about Greg?" Anthony looked at them, and said "A few of us will go out looking for Gwen. The rest of us will stay here and protect this place. Do you hear me?" They nodded, as Anthony said "Hannah, Sam and Carly will go out looking. The rest of you will stay here and make sure nothing happens. Got it?" They all nodded.

                    Anthony opened the door to the main plant room, and asked "Hector, can you spare Carly?" "Yeah, why?" asked Hector, looking over at Anthony. "I need her for something" said Anthony. "The rest of you should just keep doing what you're doing."

                     Carly stepped out and asked "What do you need?" "Gwen was taken" Anthony said. "What?" Carly asked, shocked. "Spike got her" said Anthony. "You, me, Sam, and Hannah are gonna go out to Spike's camp and find her." "I need to tell William" said Carly. "No" said Anthony. "He's helping Hector. We need him in there. I need you out there." Carly looked at him, and said "Okay."

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