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your p.o.v.

. . .

Day 01

Counting the days I'm stuck in a place I'm not familiar with. "Heh—how come... they forgot about me?" I bitterly smiled at my statement. "Will I... be alone here?—forever?" I asked to myself like a worn out mental asylum escape. My critical body state shouting at me saying to give up, but why, why can't I just die?

"Y/N-chan~ how are you?"

I laid my body like a dead person as soon as I heard Asano's voice. "Oh, you're dead?" I felt his shoe brush against my exposed wounds causing me to utter a deep breath. "Stop pretending...!" He kicks my stomach causing the pain to elevate to every part of my body. "Hmm..." I hummed bitterly as I swallow a lump on my throat. How will I escape this hell? I suddenly felt his hands wrapped onto my hair and forcefully raised my head. "I told you to stop pretending!!!" He slapped me causing blood to spill from my lips. "Please... stop," I cried while avoiding his ego. "You still have a reservoir of ego don't you?" he grips on my neck next. "W-w-what?" I cried producing sounds from the difficulty of breathing. "Can't you kneel in front of me?" He smirks. "I-I-I never did something w-w-wrong...!" I retorted as I received another slap from him. "We'd look—good together, if only you're not overshadowing me," he fakes a frown as he positions his head against mine. His hot breathing hitting my face while I teared and closed my eyes with the fear of him abusing me again. "I could've liked you, well—I do, but, you STOLE EVERYTHING FROM ME!" he cursed and with an instant flash he slams my head against the hardwood floor. I sobbed continuously as I felt a new trail of blood makes its path on my beaten face. "You deserve that," he smirked as he locked the door and left me alone again.

Someone, please help me...

karma's p.o.v.

She was still missing and I'm starting to smell something suspicious by just analyzing how she suddenly disappeared. "Akabane-kun, have you heard from her, yet?" Mrs. L/N worriedly asked, followed by Mr. L/N freaking out. "Not yet, ma'am... she didn't reply to my messages, I even tried calling her, but it says she can't be reached," I sighed worriedly. "I'm going to the station," Mr. L/N grabs his coat while I followed him go outside the house. "I should come too, sir," I bowed. Same with S/N who decided to come with us too. "Honey, are you coming?" Mr. L/N turned to Mrs. L/N. "I'll try contacting her, and I'll look after the house," frowned Mrs. L/N. "What happened to her...? My sweet Y/N," she lets out a frustrated sigh.

I realized I can make use of Ritsu's AI. What if I can find Y/N using Ritsu? Will it be worth it? "Akabane-san, are you okay?" S/N turned to me. "Oh, yes, I am fine, L/N-san," I shook my head. "Is there something you want to say?" Mr. L/N asked this time. "Well, I can't contribute much, but... maybe we can find her if we hack onto her phone and look for the location," I shared. "It won't be possible, kid... no one has the exact I.D. for the product she is using, therefore, she might have closed the gps on her phone," the policeman reckoned. "Hmm, yeah." I rolled my eyes secretly as I sat onto one of the chairs. 'You don't know Ritsu,' I glared at the screen of my phone.

your p.o.v.

"—please stop!" I pleaded as Asano continued to beat me up as if I'm a punching bag. Using bats to hit my limbs and making bruises over the past bruises I had. "Please...!" I cried my weak voice almost cracking up because of the pleading and begging I did. "Hmm, what is it?" Asano smirked at me. "You want me to stop?" He suddenly stabs my stomach. "AAAHHH FUCK!—" I got cut off when I realized I was bleeding constantly. "I d-don't unders-stand wh-why do I have t-t-to... say s-s-sorry...!— I-I-I never had debts o-o-on you...!" I cried and screamed as I felt the dagger deeper in my stomach. "You stole everything... because of your grades, I'm being degraded, what the fuck are you to be a standard?!" Asano glared at me as he strokes my chin. "You know, Y/N? I've loved you ever since I laid my eyes on you. But, I see you aim to be better than me, so..." he bitterly smiles as he stabs me again. Causing me to bleed and cry more. When I was about to react he locks his lips against mine. With my disgust and annoyance I tried to wiggle off my state and at least fall over even though how much pain it will cause me, but it's worth the risk if I'm kissing the man who nearly murdered me for consecutive days and months. "I don't love you!—" I cursed as soon as Asano pulled away from the kiss. "Not my problem anymore, it's either you die from hunger or blood loss, always remember, I love you..." he smiled and left me again.

Someone please help me.

I glanced over the tinted window and tried to break it open but my wounds said no and locked me in an extremely painful position. I glanced at the window again without anymore hope left on my eyes, nothing but tears of bitterness and pain. I guess I'm dying here. Alone.

"Hey, lady-luck, I'm glad you're alive..." I opened my eyes to see Karma looking at me. I realized I was now free from the chair and saw Asano beaten up in front of me. "What happened?" I asked weakly, still feeling my blood rush out of the wound. "I found you," he smiled at me and poked my nose. "Don't worry about him, he'll wake up but—"

"No...!" I shook my head. "You shouldn't be here!" I retort looking at his figure stepping on Asano's beaten up body. "What—this asshole nearly killed you," his eyes darkened at my expression. "I shouldn't be asking for more help, I'm sure... m-mom already contacted the—shit," I hold onto my open wounds as blood continued rushing. Well, that's what I remember after I passed out again from the loss of blood.

What happened? How long did I close my eye to experience that flash scene? How agile Karma can be?

. . .

karma's p.o.v.

She passed out, again, well this time I understood the situation. 'I'm glad you're fine, lady-luck.' I immediately thought of this situation after pulling Asano out of the scene for the police crew to handle things. I do hope she survive this, because... I still enjoy her company, even though she's bipolar, sometimes. "Hey you, fucking moron, let's have a talk, shall we?" I pulled the tape out of his mouth. "HAHAHAHAHA," he bursts out laughing while banging his head into angles. "Stop laughing or this will hit straight to your, hmm... where, chest? Head? Or... hmm, stomach?" I smirked while playing with the blade of the knife that cause a cut to my hand. "Oh my... I think I hurt myself," I grinned as I dropped the weapon and punched his face. "Go fuck with someone else, leave Y/N alone," I warned him after the last two hits I have him. "HAHAHAHAHAHA or what?—don't tell me you're dating... you? An end class student?! You don't stand a chance...!" He grinned back. "Don't play with me today, Gakushu, don't test me..." I warned again as I kicked his balls making him yelp in pain. "Keep this in mind, asshole," I gave him six hits on the head. "Once you touch Y/N again, I'm going to end your life even if it means to be imprisoned." I glared and pushed his chair making him fall and hit his head to a deep sleep.

Hmm... I might need Y/N to build up her confidence.

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word count: 1367

hi! thanks for stopping by to read this chapter! I guess it's badly written again, but thanks for reading anyway. I'll further explain a certain scene in the following chapter thoroughly so you won't miss a detail about this book. ^^ I'm not sure how will I end this book, but... I hope you bare with me as I go through this process! I LOVE Y'ALL! SHOOTING STARS TO YOU! <3

love, leo (mysticleon_)

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