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karma's p.o.v.

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"Karma Akabane. Call me Karma,"

I introduced myself to the girl—named Y/N. Laying out her features, she is small, compared to me. She seems to have a fragile body structure. She has a H/L H/C colored hair, I find really... weird. But I don't want to be rude, so I acted like she's an old friend I want to reconnect. "Going somewhere?" I furrowed my eyebrows, noticing she has her eyes all around the area, somewhat wondering where she was. "Yeah, I gotta go home," she bows her head. "Stop bowing, I'm sure we're the same age, how old are you?" I asked, eager to know her information. "14, turning 15 on B/D," she answers me with a bewildered expression. "You know, you shouldn't be in here, all alone..." I advise her. "That's why I'm lost, Karma-san," she deadpanned. "Stop giving me weird honorifics, Y/N-kun... we are the same age," I signal again. "Come," I pull her arm to where I'm headed. This girl...

. . .

The time we reached a few meters before we saw the exit of the forest, Y/N stopped as if she saw something scary. "Why?" I turn back. "There's a classroom in there," she points at My Class' classroom. The End Class, Class E to be exact. "Uh, yes... That's the Class E's classroom," I tell her. "No wonder I never saw any signage of Class E in the main building," she mumbled but I heard. "Class E's considered the End Class," I tell her. "It's a basic information, everyone knows that Class E is the cause of downfall and failure of the school," she straightly says. "I'm from that Class you know," I murmured. She took a step back and bowed consecutively again. "Oi, stop bowing," I flick her forehead lightly not putting any pressure. "Stop bowing, it's totally fine," I giggled. That's when I pushed a few plants off the way to unveil the view of the main exit of the building. "Whoa," I hear her stammer. "Alright then, Karma-kun, I am thankful for your help, do ignore me the time I get abused nor commit a suicide again..." she waved her hand and smiled after turning back.

That girl sure is weird, she really doesn't want her death defied huh? Until our next encounter, Y/N.

unknown person's p.o.v.

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No wonder she wasn't there, that smarty-pants went to hang-out with the psychopath, Karma. Ooh, how I wished Karma was the one who pushed her off the abyss, and I was there to devour the moment she's bleeding as the poison ivies torments her whole body. Such disgust I feel for a defied death of           Y/N L/N. But I guess it's back to plan B. We just need a compromise.

second person's p.o.v.

timecheck: the next day, 9 AM, First Period

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You walk in the classroom after a sudden assembly held by the school during the flag ceremony. At first, you knew you were alone, but you felt a presence as if someone's eyeing you from head to know, it automatically sent shivers to your spine after the cold air from the the air conditioner started to blow off to your bruised face. It was soothing, but it sure felt freaky.

After a few minutes when the bell finally rang, the students of Class A gathered in the room, they were eyeing you in a devilish way, you didn't know why, but you expected something violent again. You wouldn't get shock, but, their approach was too sweet it gave you suspicious shivers. "Guys! Have you seen my wallet?" A classmate called out, when everyone said no, the class locked their eyes on you. It was a beginning of another nightmare. Asano was walking towards you with a sweet smile, but you could draw the anger through his face. "Sweet Y/N, you happen to be here before the assembly officially ended, can I see your bag for a sec?" he whispers. You did not react that scared because you knew you wouldn't do such a horrible act. You could see how much he wished they saw the wallet in your bag because it would be another reason to point out that you are the traitor and you would get into a lot of beating again. When the wallet was still missing, Asano looked at you intensely in the eyes, only a few inches away. He smirked as if you'd plan on doing a handshake with the Grim Reaper. "Tell me, Y/N, did you, or did you not take her wallet?" he leans closer to your ear. The boldness of his voice was enough to scare you to death. "I didn't, Asano..." you mentally cursed yourself for forgetting the honorifics. "What is it again?" He tilts his head to you. "I didn't A-Asano-s-san." You gulped nervously. He then again smashed your head on your desk where you heard laughters from your fellow classmates. You already predicted this move, and the next thing you know, you felt like your nose has been broken. "What are you going to do? Huh? Y/N-chan?" evilly smirked one of Asano's troupes, after kicking you hard. You were wincing the pain, you felt like you're going to have a seizure with the everyday beating you receive. You then felt a fist nearly detaching your head off when Asano punched you on the face. You begged for mercy, but all they did was laugh. No one heard your yelps, because it was covered with enthusiastic laughs. "Guys, don't worry, I found the wallet!!" Your classmate cheered as she pull the wallet from her bag. "Sorry to worry y'all," she cheered. You sighed in relief, until you receive another consecutive kicks from Asano and his friends. "You're lucky you are not the culprit," he gave you one last kick, making you vomit blood on your spot. You felt yoyr breathing clench into a great difficulty, and that's when Asano pulled your hair dragging you on your way to the nurses office. As other students pass by, he would let go of his grip, but when you were alone, you'd receive extra more beating and you'd feel like your head gets detached whenever he pulls your hair.

your p.o.v.

. . .

Asano pushed me lightly to the nurse's clinic motioning me to enter the room. I can't complain, it was just shocking for him to send me to the clinic, despite his devilish attitude, why did he send me to the clinic? It can't be his conscience, he doesn't have that word in his vocabulary. "Go inside, or I'm going to smash your head," he threatens me as he pushes me, along with the door. His dominant behavior suddenly switched when the school nurse approached us. "Good morning, Nurse Amaya!" He gleams. "Morning too, Asano-kun... oh my, L/N-chan, what happened?" She turned to me. Just as I waa about to speak up, he violently covers my mouth and spoke on behalf of me. "She got into an accident Amaya-san, some bullies tried to hurt her, and I saw her in a poor state," he lied. What a prolific liar he is. "Oh my, L/N-chan, come here..." she motioned. Thank God she's different. "Don't worry Asano-kun, I'll take care of her, do go back to class," she smiled. "Yes ma'am!" He smiled and turned away. I could clearly tell the glare aiming at my focus but I ignored this feeling of fear and grudge and stay with Nurse Amaya the next periods of class. I hope someone betrays Class A, their dirty secret can torment me into pieces. If they wanted me to get killed, why can't they throw me off an ocean, or push me from the eighth floor window with a rope tied to my neck? It's way more efficient than abusing me every single day. I get weak, and not forever, I can hide this secret from my parents. Can't they just stab me to death, I won't let them worry about the murder case, I'll even let them burn my body. Why out of all abuse, why beating? Kicking me everyday? I might get cysts all over my body with their choice of violence.

God I just wished I was born in a different world, where I can live freely this time. I forgot how my smiling face looked like. I forgot the past I once had. The fun I can't seem to find, is still a mystery.

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word count: 1418

Thank you for reading! Y/N is a suicidal person, so might understand how much enthusiasm she has for dying.<3

-love, leo (mysticleon_)

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