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You're dressed in a white preppy dress and medium height white ankle boots. Your long hair is partly draping over your shoulders and partly flowing in the lively wind, as you walk on the stone trail that leads out of the building's garden. Jin is walking behind you, and you can feel his disapproval burning through the back of your neck, but there's very little that he can do or say to prevent you from seeing Jungkook.
A black Mercedes pulls over right in front of you, and from it, a deadly handsome raven haired God comes out . His hair is back to its usual length, and his puppy eyes are more beautiful than ever.
-Hi...- you said while hugging him as respectfully as possible -... how come you decided to cut your hair?
-I just... missed the old me...
Knowing all too well what he meant by that you formed a bittersweet smile on your face.
-Well, I like both styles...- you replied as he guided you to your seat before opening the door of the the co-pilot side.
-We'll be right behind you...- interjected Jin as he climbed on the back seat of a running SUV that was parked across the street.
-Are you bringing security? I can protect you...- Jungkook protested in an annoyed tone.
-Try convincing Jin, it will take you all day...
This time around it actually seemed like time had been turned back. You talked for a while about each other's new lives but the connection between the two of you remained the same. You told him everything about the situation with Namjoon, and your indecisive streak; yet he didn't flinch once, instead he showed his support and understanding throughout the whole time. He seemed completely on board with the friendship decision, but of course you didn't tell him about Jimin or Yoongi. He also went in detail about his life: how he had been using his time to exercise more, talk to the few members of his family that remained, read and learn new skills, creating art and so much more. Thankfully he also omitted all details about his dating life because you weren't going to be able to be as mature as him...
He drove for a while until you arrived to a cozy little restaurant on the other side of the city which was near the beach, where he introduced you to an older lady and a young boy that looked very similar to what Jungkook might have looked like in high school. They turned out to be his grandma and his cousin and they couldn't be nicer. The menu was mostly Korean but there was some French influence here and there, which surprisingly worked amazingly well.
Jin requested for the two of you to sit next to a window so you could be seen from outside, meaning that the idea of you and Jungkook having an intimate moment was completely out of the table. Despite that fact it was difficult to ignore the sparks between the two of you, Jungkook's humor and warmth made it hard for you not to laugh your guts out while simultaneously flushing every five seconds. It reminded you once again why you had fallen in love with him, and why, even after everything that had happened, you still were.
-I'm glad that we can get back to being friends...- he said while taking a sip of his espresso in a painstakingly sexy motion.
-Yeah, definitely...- you replied trying to force some decorum in an otherwise very dumbfounded face expression.
-Wanna take a walk to the beach?- he said after a while.
-Of course...
The day had gotten gloomier and grayish but Jungkook's smile was enough to light the Sun. His royalty like features, his humility and kindness sent continues stabs to your heart making you convinced that he was the most handsome man you had ever seen. Why hadn't it worked out between the two of you?
His side profile was completely flawless: the dappernes and elegance of his sharp jaw was only softened by his large, glassy eyes and the small silver ring that adorned the side of his lip gave him that bad boy edge every girl secretly craves.
Walking beside him in that sandy, violent beach felt humbling and ethereal. His eyesight would land on your hand every couple of minutes before glancing at your eyes, but you had to look away for fear of instant combustion.
-So, you don't want to give more information about Namjoon to the FBI?- Kookie continued the conversation you had started previously in the car.
-To be honest, I don't, but I'm afraid of what he might do to me, when he gets out.
-Why don't you? Do you still have...- he cleared his throat.
-I don't even know... It's complicated...- you cut him off to spare him the words -...It's not as clear as with you.
Jungkook looked away while readjusting his suit.
- What I mean is... - you continued with flustered cheeks -...I know everyone is convinced that he's the Devil, but I've seen another side to him... and what I did, the way I betrayed him... It wouldn't have been possible if he didn't have that side...
-But it's already done, there's no turning back now...
-I know but, no matter what I say, he's gonna find a way to get away with it. He's barely facing any time now...
-And then he'll be even more furious...
-Yeah... -you sighed.
-But do you think he'll forgive you, spare your life?
-Spare my life? Maybe, but forgive me? I probably wouldn't myself...
-This might sound biased, but I think you should give everything you can to the FBI... at least there's a small possibility that he'll have a longer conviction and you can use that time to dissapear for a while. If you don't, he'll get out soon and he's surely going to come out for you. Maybe he won't kill you but who knows what kind of punishment he has in mind...
For a moment, an inappropriate thought came to mind where Namjoon's idea of punishment was only going to be of the sexual nature, but realistically speaking the odds of that were very slim. The only reason why Kim Namjoon showed you his humanity was because he felt he could trust you, but now that that was off the table, the likelihood of the two of you making it work were even more far fetched than before.
The rest of the walk was silent and restrained. A few minutes went by until you got back to Jungkook's car, where he opened the door for you.
-You can think about it some more, and you can count on me for anything.
- Thank you.
He dropped you off back home when the sun was setting and another dagger went through your soul when you realize how romantic it would have been to kiss him at sunset; but instead you thanked him for lunch and got out of the car.
You watched as the man of your dreams drove away with your heart in his hands, but at the same time you still blamed him for everything that had happened. At least for half of it... because you would have loved to challenge destiny for him, despite the fact that he himself had warned you once that it wasn't going to end well for the two of you. After all, we're all free and something so simple as destiny couldn't possibly stand in the way...This is what you thought at the time, and no one could have changed your mind.

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