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It's been days now of absolute paradise with your beloved. Every morning Jungkook makes breakfast and feeds it to you in bed while you sit in between his legs. He gets you off so frequently that you request him to be naked by default in the house, but he enjoys getting you out of that tight lace underwear he has you wear, so you allow him that pleasure every afternoon. One particular afternoon you find him napping completely bare in a lounge chair, and for a second he looked like a Roman statue, but you're happy to corroborate his humanity when you sit next to him and admire his naked beauty as his chest goes up and down when he breathes.  Trying not to wake him up you stay by his side to absorb every layer of his perfection for a while. His abs joining his pelvis muscles are steel looking, making you gaze at the crevices in between his muscular thighs and his pubis and think how warm it must feel to kiss there. As if feeling your presence Jeon Jungkook opens his eyes and invites you to lay on his chest while he plays with your hair. Naturally he makes love to you as well but that's not all you do together every day: you swim, read, watch movies, explore the beautiful mountain, fish in the lake... but the dreaded moment for him to attend your fake funeral arrives.
This particular morning you woke up first, prepared breakfast for him really early and waited for him to show up in the dining room. When he wakes up disoriented and finds you there, he sits by your side rubbing his sleepy head without saying much. He must know how strange it must feel for you to let everyone you know think you're dead, and the pain you're causing them. Also he had said a few days ago that he had another surprise coming, so you were anxious about finding that out too.
-I will be back as soon as possible today, and after that we're starting our new lives.
-Where will we go? Is that the surprise?- you said with a cup of coffee in hand...
-Do you want to wait until I get back?
-No Kookie, please I can't take this anymore...
-Okay...- he smiled and pecked your cheek -... we're going to Seattle, our new identities are ready...
-Yeah... of course you don't have to worry about money, I'll take care of you... but if you still want to get a job; even in something related to your field, I can probably work that out too...
-Just dye your hair a different color, there should be supplies in the bathroom... and if you're planning on leaving our apartment there, wear a face mask at all times just to be on the safe side.
-We'll live in an apartment?
-Yeah but it's comfortable, you'll love it, trust me...- he finishes by kissing your hand.
-Oh Kookie, why are you so good to me?
-You deserve it...
You kiss him all over and hug him tight but before he leaves, you remember where he's going and a shock of guilt runs through your body.
-Can you check that Lana is doing ok?
-Of course, Noona...
He leaves after kissing your forehead goodbye and you watch how surreal it is when he gets on the helicopter and flies away in a matter of seconds.
The moment Jungkook gets back you go outside to show him your long hair bleached platinum blonde, and your bag is all packed by the door.
-Noona, you look gorgeous!
-Really, don't I look like an old witch?
-Like a hot witch!
He grabs your hand and calls you 'adorable' before he kisses it and takes you back inside.
-How where they?
-They were crying... - he responds confirming what you had already worried about throughout the whole morning -...Lana, your mom and even some of your coworkers... I saw a few weird characters lurking too, they're probably entangled with Namjoon...
-Good, do you think they bought it then?
-Most likely... I heard he got 5 years.
-Oh...- you hadn't even thought about his trial, and now you weren't sure how to feel about the news.
-I get you need time to process all of this, but... it's for the best...
-Do you think he'll stay there? In prison?
-Doubtful... but that doesn't matter anymore, we'll be far away and untraceable. As far as he's concerned you're buried in a cemetery...
You hugged him and sighed not fully convinced; but Jungkook was right. It would be extremely unlikely that Namjoon could find you.
After a few minutes you were both sitting in the helicopter, which he landed in a small airport in the middle of nowhere. A private jet took you to Seattle's International Airport late at night, where you used your new identities for the first times without any issues, and moments later you arrived at the front desk of a luxurious skyscraper with enormous windows everywhere. The attendant took the both of you to the elevator and after going up 35 floors, and getting guided to your new apartment's front door, Jungkook lead you inside a bright, enormous living room without much furniture; but the architecture was so impressive that you didn't care.
-Well, I hope the newlyweds enjoy the new apartment... call us if you need anything...- said the attendant before shutting the door behind him.
In the whirlwind of thoughts and worries in your brain you hadn't even noticed that both your identities shared the same last name. Apparently you and Jungkook were married now? At least Alex and Song Seungho, your new identities were... You looked at him confused while he cleared his throat nervously.
-Yeah, um... that's... not good timing...
-What do you mean? -you say walking up to him but he seems to be kneeling in his place... Why is he kneeling? Oh dear!!!
-I realize this is not the best timing, or the most romantic setting... I wanted to plan something special...- as he adoringly gazes from the floor at you, with the view of the night sky and the full moon glimmer coming from the huge balcony door behind him, he looks deep into your eyes and your heart starts beating fast.
-Kookie, are you...
-I'm... I have never...- he's starting to stutter as his big doe eyes are getting watery, so you kneel in front of him too and hold his cheeks in your hands -...I love you so much Noona, you're the only one for me...
-Kookie you are... -now you're choking up too, because after everything that has happened you can't believe he sees you that way...
He wipes your tears and kisses your lips before he withdraws a gorgeous diamond ring from his pocket.
-Would you be mine, forever? Would you be my wife?- he sweet talks staring into your soul with eyes that could pierce infinity itself, and you're weeping so badly you cannot see a thing anymore.
-I want nothing more in this World, Jungkook.- you respond right away as he places the ring in your finger while happy tears run through your flustered cheeks and marvel at yourself because you never thought you could love someone so deeply... Not in the way you love the beautiful man in front of you.
He lifts you up in his arms and carries you to the bedroom completely besotted by you while you hug him as tight as possible.
-I'm gonna make you so happy Jagiya, I can't wait to be yours forever...- he whispers onto your lips and his sweet breath intoxicates every one of your senses.
-I'm yours already baby, I love you so fucking much...
-What do you want Jagiya? I'll get you anything... anything in the World...
-I already have everything...- you wisper against his lips as you unbutton his white shirt to suction his caramel colored nipples and he moans in pleasure.
-Baby you make me so fucking hard...
You lick all of his honey scented skin while removing your clothes and swamped underwear. His pants are on the floor already, and the sight of his huge, threatening hard on makes your pussy drip even harder. You kiss his soft juicy lips, massage his tongue with yours, which makes you drool from the delicious taste... He cradles your whole pussy in his hand, rubbing it back and fourth, spreading all your jam in his long, dexterous fingers... He uses those fingers to fuck your pulsating hole without mercy, making you pant and shake in a trance, because you're cumming, hard... with your tits in his mouth and more drool leaking from your tongue, which he licks and savors in his mouth.
He places you on the edge of the bed, to feed on your sensitive pussy, hungrily.
-Oh Kookie, too much...
He sticks his tongue inside your hole, and then your asshole, which gives you an amazing idea for later, because now he's getting ready to drill your pussy to completion. You scream and moan his name, while he pounds you and sweat drips in between his glistening pecs. His hips move like there's no bones holding them in place, and you soon become overwhelmed because his cock is rubbing all the right spots.
-It's so fucking good baby, you fuck my pussy so good!!!
-Jagiya, you're... so... fucking... tight... so... warm... so juicy...
-Kookie you're gonna making me cum again!!!
-Jagiya, cum on my dick!!! Cum for me!!!
You throw your head back to bask in the glory of your wrecking climax as the sound of your juices squishing out with every one of his thrusts drives you insane.
He keeps fucking you through you orgasm without recess.
-I can't hold it any longer Jagiya!!!
-Not yet!
You stop him from cumming to get behind him and take a mouthful of his ass while digging your fingers in his plump butcheeks.
-Ahh... he moans with his dick in his hand, jerking it up and down perversely...
After a while you pry his asshole open with your index finger, then your index and middle finger... You spit in his ass to provide more lubrication and he's in fucking paradise at this point. But it's not enough for you, you keep finger fucking his ass until you can fit the four fingers inside his tight hole while he moans and whimpers.
-Jagiya, I can't take it, I'm gonna cum...
-Do you like me fucking your ass Kookie?
-Yeah, it's so good...
-Do you love me?
-Yes I love you, I love you... AAAHHHHH!!!
He coaxes all the juices out of his own cock shooting everywhere with strength. Kookie's tears of pleasure, mixed with his sweat, and cum... you get under him to rub it all against your naked body... His juice is so good, his essence, you savor it in your mouth while he rests in your bosom, deeply drained and satisfied.
-You know, it's funny that you took the liberty of making the both of us appear like we're married... Did it ever occurred to you that I could say no when you asked me?
-That never crossed my mind, no...- Jungkook boasted with a smug smile as you woke up in his arms the next morning.
-Wow, you're so full of yourself...- you smiled caressing his abs adoringly.
He lays on his side to face you and pulls your naked body against him...
-Jagiya, I'm never letting you go again...
You kiss his soft lips and dig your head in between the crook of his neck and shoulder.
-You know, I love doing this every day with you... but I think it's time we start integrating society...
-What do you mean jagi?
-Well, how about we go shopping? We can get some furniture and you've been wearing the same stuff for days, so... Also, I will be out a few times next week for some business opportunities and it would be good if you had something to do in the meantime...
-I don't know Kookie...- you say fearfully, sitting at the edge of the bed pondering the idea, since you hadn't had a normal life in ages.
-You can take your time, jagi, but I think It'll be good for you...
-I don't think I want to get back to working at a University, or anything too mind consuming...
-I was thinking of a hobby... Maybe something that doesn't involve a lot of people...
-I'll think about it...- you respond as you caress your lover's hair gratefully. He's so considerate and loving, always looking out for your best interests...
-Ok, now get dressed and let me spoil you rotten... We'll get anything you want...
This was the first time you were out in public like a normal person in months, and it felt amazing. Specially because the hottest man in every room, a.k.a. your fiancé, was the one holding your hand, treating you like a queen and making everyone around you green with envy. After he had already bought every single piece of furniture you had chosen for the apartment, you had to beg him to stop buying you so many expensive gifts; yet he didn't seem concerned... he just continued to swipe his black card without remorse. You knew Jungkook had made a good life for himself, but since he was never the type to show off, you never suspected that he had so much money.
-Kookie I have enough clothes, shoes, electronics, products and jewelry to last me for years, let's call it for today...
-Okay Jagi, I just like to see you happy...
-I'll be happy as long as you're by me side baby...
The days went by and you had gotten into somewhat of a routine... Exercise, reading, cooking, jogging around the park, taking some online courses... Jungkook had even taught you a few art techniques and you were finding it very therapeutic.
After a couple of weeks, you had learned to love your new home deeply, and even though you missed your friends, you had gained the best relationship you had ever been in. 'Maybe things were going to end good after all', you continued to say to yourself, trying to push your bad feelings away since it all seemed too good to be true. But, regardless of what could happen tomorrow or years from now, you consider yourself immensely lucky to be alive, and to be sharing said life with your beloved.

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