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You arrived to his apartment building early the next morning. Jungkook walked straight to the reception where a tall blonde was standing, and as soon as she saw the dark haired heart throb, she gasped nervously.
-God morning Sr- she said in a shaky voice.
-Good morning...-he replied unceremoniously... -do you think you can get me a key for my girlfriend?
At the mention of that last word, your stomach did a joyful somersault while the receptionist reacted with an expression that denoted a slight disappointment in turn.
-Oh... sure... give me just a second, please... -she said while eyeing you up and down out of the corner of her eyes.
After a few minutes she gave him the extra key with the codes for all the areas of the building.
-Is there anything else I can help you with... - she said with concealed dejection...
-No, thank you, have a great day...
-You too...
When you were in the elevator you looked at him with concern in your eyes.
-You know? I'm getting really tired of all these desperate bitches huffing and puffing when they find out you're taken.
-You?! What should I say then?
-At least I don't work in a place filled to the brim with needy supermodels...
-None of them hold a candle to you...
-Stop lying...- you chuckled, but knowing deep down that Jungkook was honest to a fault.
He had insisted in you staying with him for a while longer so you happily obliged. The next couple of days he would go to the office and get back home as soon as he could, to see you and have dinner with you, always bringing you cute little gifts and asking about your day with dreamy eyes. The old cocky Jungkook had taken a backseat to this more lovesick and down to earth one, encouraged by every caress and dreamy stare you sent his way.
This night you are waiting for him anxiously by the door when he comes in later than usual and plants an absentminded peck on your cheek.
-Kookie?- you voice your disappointment at his lack of enthusiasm.
-Oh I'm sorry... I'm a little distracted right now...
-Did something happen today?- you asked as you closed the door behind him.
-Yes... I talked with that FBI agent...- he responded while taking his jacket and placing it on the kitchen counter -...the one that I told you who bends the rules... anyways, he made a deal with me...
-What kind of a deal?
-He promised me complete immunity and protection if I give them my boss and our only client right now, since your mafia boss ex boyfriend killed all the others we had...- you let your eyes fall to the floor as if Namjoon's actions were your own. For some inexplicable reason you feel some warped sense of responsibility towards him, making your chest sink slightly inwards as you notice the empty spot that Namjoon's absence had created in it.
Firstly, you didn't know how to tell Jungkook that Namjoon hadn't still accepted the breakup, and the daily calls coming from unknown numbers did all the confirmation needed to prove that fact. And secondly, the thought of Jungkook putting Namjoon behind bars, no matter how far fetched it seemed, didn't sit right with you.
You turned around walking in the other direction to try and figure out what the hell you were going to say to that.
-It seems like a stretch... -continued Jungkook without noticing your trepidation... -but maybe it's doable... If I managed to give them enough information abut Kim Namjoon and all his business partners, there's an actual chance for me to get out of this unscathed...
The excitement in his voice was evident, and honestly you should feel excited too... But the thought of Namjoon being put away, just seemed... wrong. You didn't like it one bit.
-Oh...- you finally speak after being quiet for a long enough period of time for him to wonder what you're thinking- ...-Jungkook, maybe.... that's not the best idea...
-Well, it might take me some elbow grease, but I can do it...
-Isn't there any other way? -you look at him trying to feign as much indifference as possible...
-With the situation how it is right now, that's the only one that makes sense...- at the end of his sentence there's an uncomfortable silence, finally broken by a very inquisitive look.
He walkes over to where you are and searches for your traveling eyes.
-Why? Do you have something against that?
-Well...- you say meekly... -I kinda do...
He stays silent for a long period of time, so long that you turn around again and start heading for the balcony. But he grabs your bicep with a gentle hold and turns you back to face him in the eyes.
-You know he's a terrible person, right?- he said with piercing eyes that made it impossible for you to hold his gaze.
-He's really not that bad... He only killed those guys because they came for him first...
-Maybe you don't remember, or don't want to remember...- Jungkook's tone was getting progressively higer in volume and intensity, making your resolve weaker with every second that passed... -but Kim Namjoon is a rapist, a cold blooded murderer, a drug dealer, and a backstabbing son of a bitch!
-Well, you're not exactly an outstanding citizen either, Jungkook
-How can you even begin to compare the both of us?!!!
-I'm just saying... you don't know the whole story...
-Oh and you do?!!!
-I... well... some of it...
-I can't fucking believe this, you actually have... feelings... for him...
-I thought it was just sex!!!
-Well, it started out like that...
-Do you fucking love him?!!!- he presses on relentlessly, willing to extract as much from you as he can.
You remain silent and eyes chained to the marble floor, feeling disheartened that he's able to voice out what you can't even bring yourself to admit.
-Oh my fucking God!!!- he walks away only to turn back to face you a second after, with an expression so hateful that you feel assaulted just from looking at him -...do you realize how stupid you sound?!
-Listen Jungkook, I'm getting a little bit fucking tired of you passing judgment on things you don't understand...- your tone now a little bit harsher seeing as he won't back down...
-What's there to understand?! You lied to me!!!
-I did not!!!
-Look, let me explain...
His words cut through you like a serrated knife, grinding on every bit of your skin and soul, as he sends a disgusted death glare towards your whole body. It hurts you deeply, but more than anything it infuriates you. Suddenly you feel the blood in your veins pumping feverishly back and forth, your heartbeats bulldozing their way out of your chest, and the blush in your face burning up the room to a crisp. But you can't even manage to utter a word or look at him any longer, you need to get out of there before you explode, because the rage in your loins is not pretty and much less the tears that threaten to pour out of you.
You stomp your way to the entrance, grab your satchel bag and your coat from the coat rack and slam the door behind you with enough strength to yank it out of its hinges. It is with blind madness that you descend into the parking garage beneath the building to get in your car and your hands are shaking but you can't help yourself with anything. Not a drop of alcohol or drugs may graze your lips because of the bender it might propel you towards. Not a fucking thing, except the self-soothing touching your cover your body with, a coping mechanism you had learned in therapy when you were little, to deal with your father's abandonment and your mom's drug abuse after that.
You turn the ignition and skid out of the parking lot, willing to put as much distance between you and Jungkook as possible, but already missing him despite your best efforts not to do so.
You drive towards your neighborhood for a while, but never make your mind to stop there, instead you head to your best friend's house. You need to see the face of someone who loves you for who you are, someone who doesn't think you're a whore, someone who's always been there no matter what.
The nocturnal street is jam packed with parked cars, and after a long while you manage to find a spot big enough to fit your sedan, but it escapes your mind to grab your bag on your way out of the car, so anxious to see your blonde friend's gorgeous face and snuggle your pets for the first time in days.
You dart towards her townhouse and knock on the door with lound bangs, knowing of her never ending tolerance, which you've always reciprocated; and she quickly opens the door while tugging at her robe to shield herself from the cold breeze that floats strands of hair in mid air.
-Lana!- you lunge yourself into her arms while she mutters your name with incredulous confusion.
-What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be elbows deep in Mr. Perfect's?
-Ugh! Don't even talk to me about him right now...
At that exact moment Henry comes running with excited barks while Sam purrs and rubs against you calves with tenderness, which prompts you to sit on the floor with a thud to cradle them both in your lap.
You're so happy to see all of them, Henry's and Sam's tongues licking away every bit of skin they could find which is mostly located in your face, your hands and your ankles.
-Are you ok? -Lana asks after closing the door and getting down to your eye level but all you can manage to do is nodding half heartedly with tears gathering at the corners of your eyes.
She hugs the top of your head and plants a loving kiss there, your pets now resting at your feet not taking an eye off of you and you can't help but think about how you've paid little to no attention to these beautiful livings in your efforts to please the men in your life. A pang of guit hits your chest like if a bucket full of ice water was being thrown at you.
-I just needed to see you guys, I... I don't know... I haven't been the best friend Lana...
-Oh no baby, I completely understand...
-Are you sure?
-Of course, as long as you're happy, I'm happy...
-What did I ever do deserve you?- you look at her pretty eyes with a love that warms your cheeks back to a normal temperature, despite how frozen they had felt a few minutes ago.
-Being the baddest bitch I know... -and as she plants a peck in your forehead with a benevolent smile, you sense Sam curling up and kneading your thighs, ready to fall asleep there.
-Come on, I'll make some popcorn so we can roast a shitty romcom or something...
-That sounds amazing...
After a few minutes you're already splayed out on the couch, surrounded by Lana and your furry friends ripping the romance movie you had decided to watch apart with cynical mockery and sarcastic jokes, your brain slowly morphing into a more peaceful version of itself.
30 minutes after that, Lana is fast asleep and it's no longer fun to watch the film by yourself. You really hate how they always portray the female leads as these useless damsels in distress that need to be rescued all the time, and how the littlest of misunderstandings can tear the relationship she has with her love interest apart, only to bring them back together with the cheesiest airport montages; which get less and less creative as time goes by.
Real life doesn't work like that. In real life women have to pick themselves off the floor after being spit out and chewed out multiple times, and sure, you can count on people around you to lend a helping hand, but the real work needs to be done by you. Just like your insides are aching for anything that numbs the pain of Jungkook's spiteful words, yet all you can do is grit your teeth in response because you don't want to trigger another bender that will inevitably send you back to Namjoon's arms if given the chance.
You get up and walk to the washroom and as you're palming your face with the soothing liquid coming out of the tap, your hands automatically reach for your pants' pockets in search of your phone, but to no avail, since it isn't there. You realize you must have left it in your car, and just the thought of going back out there in that freezing cold air, makes you shiver all over; but alas, you make up your mind to still brave the harsh temperature, hoping to find at least a few missed calls or messages with apologies.
Thankfully the street lights are always bright in this aerea, and there's no one around, save a few cars that drive by with safe speeds and maybe a few smokers here and there, who seem respectful enough to mind their own business.
You walk briskly to your car and get inside to look at your phone screen, but there's nothing from Jungkook, not a peep. Another wave of anger berates you in silence but it does nothing to alleviate the feeling of emptyness left by his uninterest towards you, and it's with utter disillusionment that you exit your vehicle to walk back to your best friends house.
The sidewalk feels as hard and slippery as steel when your boots hit the pavement but the walk proves to be a lot more dreadful than you expected when you devise the breathtaking silhouette af Namjoon's impressive side profile leaned against a random car parked near the sidewalk you're meant to use, calmly looking straight ahead like some surreal designer clothing add. His now dyed brown, straight hair is styled back, exposing his smooth forehead and his exotic features, proving themselves impossible to resist.
As you walk closer to him you observe as his jaw is flexing, and his mandibles are twitching, a deep frown on his face, and his lips are constrained with fury. You had never actually seen him this upset, and as much as it frightens you, the things that it's doing for your body are sinfully twisted.
-Where have you been?- he asks when you're close enough, a glower staining his violent thirsty eyes.
-Away...- you respond succinctly, doing your best to avoid holding his gaze for too long.
-I've been looking all over for you, do you know how worried I was?
-I met someone else, ok?
-Who?- he chuckles wryly in that sadistic way he's mastered -...Jungkookie?
-How did you know?- you step back, your heart beating fast. You were sure nobody had followed you after all.
-He hasn't been around for a few days... It doesn't take a genius to put two and two together...
Part of you wants to stay there and yell at him for invading your privacy once again, but it has become something so casual, so intrinsic in your relationship with him that you determine to not even mention it, it's not like it would do any good either ways. Especially not right now, when the aura around him exudes such murderous desires.
-Did you have fun? Did you get it out of your system?- he proceeds to instigate in a tone so low and resonant that it threatens to draw out all the oxigen in your lungs.
-I am with him now, Namjoon...- you say trying to sound confident, but in reality you're growing more and more unsure of the status of your relationship with Jungkook by the minute.
-Please, how soon till you get tired of playing with that boy and come crawling back to me?- he almost spits in your face as he snarks back and brings his face closer to yours.
You mean to scurry away, but once again his scent and his towering stature are pinning you down to the sidewalk. He tuggs the fabric of your coat and forces you to stand in between him and the car he was leaning on previously like you're some sort of marionette.
-Namjoon!- you protest pointlessly, because you know all too well that there's nothing you can do to make him stop.
-I own you!- he lashes out with a groan that's both frightening and exhilarating, but you're still resolved in rejecting him; not wanting to fall prey to the power he indubitably has on pretty much anyone.
-No!- you whine desperately but he's already moving his hands all over your body, no sign of mercy in sight...
-No? Look at you!
He opens your top and fondles your breasts lewdly, bringing his lips closer to invade your mouth who aches to kiss him back. He forces your mouth open with his thumb and index finger pressed against your mandibles, making you hold your breath when he manages to introduce his serpentous tongue and scrape the roof of your mouth with it. He tastes so sinfully delicious, so scrumptiously god that you sallivate in his mouth, unable to resist his hands that breach your brassiere to squeeze your sensitive nipples like the frosting out of a piping bag.
The temperature it's not a concern any longer because now you're a screaming, moaning mess; but it doesn't stop there, now he's sliding his hands down your waist to snatch your but cheeks, kneading them feverishly and making you stand on your tip toes to keep kissing and gnawing at his plush lips, at his reddened neck and his sculpted collarbone.
Your wetness is becoming unbearable so you seek some relief by pressing it against him.
You grind against his thigh, panting in his mouth, beads of sweat are now covering your forehead which he licks clean and you feel your hand traveling down to appreciate the lengthh of the savage bulge in his pants.
You scrub now even harder, feeling your climax approaching like a train that threatens to run over you. The taste of his scrumptious kiss has you drooling, aching to feel it in your throbbing clitoris, and when you're a second away from bursting, he shoves you back against the car with hateful black in his eyes.
-WHY?!!!- you berate with an anger you didn't know you possessed.
He gets dangerously close again but immobilizes you neck so you can't seize his lips.
-Why are you doing this?!- you whine, snorting out his sensual breath and sadistic scowl...
-Cause I want to know... I want to hear it! and then I'll give you all the cock you can take before that tight little pussy is ruined.
-Ahh... - your hands are struggling to alleviate the ache between your folds but Namjoon won't allow even that, holding them captive with his free arm.
The pain is searing throughout your spine and every nerve ending is seeking his contact, like he's the real drug. Forget about anything else, he's what you're actually addicted to... With that decadent fragrance of opulence mixed with sexual gore that sucks out your soul and stops your heart with every passionate, consuming kiss he's ever bestowed upon you. He could have anything and anyone, but it's you, fucked up you that he wants, and his eyes tell of his adoration, no matter how twisted it is.
-I love u ok?! I fucking love u!
-Good...- he mutters with a smug smirk, rewarding you with his supple lips which you gobble up in between breathy moans, yet he doesn't release his hold on your neck or your hands. He bites your bottom lip hard enough to break them, and you're not sure whose blood you're tasting in your mouth, but it is with violence that you're biting him back, clashing against him one time after the other.
-Stop teasing!- you protest but he's unfazed, rubbing his hard clothed member against your stomach to remind you what you're missing.
-Beg for it...- he replies in a torturous, ocean deep voice that threatens to drive you insane with need.
He rubs his face against your cheek, inhaling every bit of your scent, brushing his nose against your neck and behind your ear, causing you to get goose bumps all over your body.
-Please... please daddy, make me cum, please...- you finally succumb, not willing to suffer any longer.
-Ok baby girl, I will make you cum...- he pecks your cheek and interlaces his hand with yours to cross the street to guide you inside his armored limousine that was waiting for him just a few meters away.
In it, there's a partition that divides the seating aerea from the driver section, perfectly concealing the both of you as your wriggle inside in a tangle of desperate grabbing and sinful moans, allowing him to strip you of your boots and your pants. Namjoon places you astride his lap, where he rips your blouse open to grab a mouthful of your breasts, suctioning and teasing them, leaving hickies and bite marks behind as you grind against his rock hard crotch.
-Take it off, TAKE IT OFF!!!- you demand, pulling his luscious hair in desperation.
He unbuckles his pants and lifts your body with one arm to sit you on top of his cannon like shaft. Your hips pop in gratefulness but you feel his enormous efforts to penetrate you stifled by the tightness with which you're bound.
-Baby girl, I thought you wanted all this cock...- he mutters labouredly as he's forcing you down his enormous girth while you're screaming and whining his name.
When he finally manages to accommodate his full length in your slippery hole it only takes you 5 thrusts to orgasm so violently that you can't manage to open your eyes.
Namjoon takes that as an opportunity to start his punishing, grabbing your hips and ramming them up and down his cock with inhuman strength, tearing up your pussy walls to an extent that it actually stings, but your G-spot and clitoris are so overestimulated that it numbs every possible ache that might come from his biting, or his abusive hold on your hips.
Now he's sticking out his meaty tongue to dampen his long fingers, enticing you to sieze the opportunity and caress the length of it with your tongue and almost reach for the uvula at the back of his throat.
He uses his fingers to wrench your asshole open and he sticks one inside in between your screams and complaints. His criminal pace doesn't stop, but now it's two fingers completely inside your asshole, and his other arm is wrapped around your waist making sure that you take every single rail of his hips inside. The pussy juice is spilling all over the car seats and his groans are muffled by your moans inside his mouth, proving the ride to be far from over when he hastens his stabbing even more and actual tears are rolling down your cheeks.
-Baby girl, don't cry, isn't this what you wanted?
-YES- you cry out, incable of concealing your emotions any longer...
-Did you miss me?
-What did you miss about me?- he inquires with his head burrowed in your bossom, completely lost in you.
-Your cock!
-What else?
-Your lips- you moan as he paints wet kisses all over your chest, on top of the canvas of every bite mark and hikey he has left already in your skin.
-What else?- he urges in your ear, before sucking your earlobe and sending electricity to every cell of your anatomy.
-Your soft, beautiful skin... -you purr in his ear completely intoxicated with his heat.
-What else did you miss my love?
-The way you hold me like... like i'm yours... like you would snatch me from the hands of death itself if you had to...
-That's cause it's true... - he replies looking deep into your eyes with veneration in his gaze-...you're the only one I want...
The beads of sweat are soaking Namjoon's features and sliding down to his neck, he unbuttons the shirt that has adhered to his torso and the brown tips of his bristled nipples and you drool at the sight of his gold necklace draping his scrumptious pectorals and landing on his sternum. He certainly knows how good he looks, otherwise he wouldn't be looking at you like he is right now, completely understanding of your staggered expression. And it's with this thought and the pornographic image of him biting his sinful bottom lip that you core erupts once more, walls contracting and clenching, choking his dick out of its creamy seed, and you know your screams must have driven the conductor away because they're deafening even for yourself.
But his stallion dick is still standing firm inside you while both of your cums ooze out of your hole to coat his pants and the leather seats beneath you.
But it's like nothing happened because now he's forcing you on all fours and taking you from behind savagely, slapping your butcheeks until you feel the skin is nearly broken. Then he wraps his arm around you so that it reaches your neck, through the valley of your breasts and proceeds to choke you and pant against your neck and occipital bone, sending you straight to the edge once again.
-Are you gonna cum for me again?- he purrs, sliding his hand to tease your clitoris, rolling it in his fingers and making your stomach shrink and your chest heave in desmay. And sure enough the orgasm the takes over you, burns your insides to a crisp, until all you can see is black haze in front of you.
He pays no attention to your defeat when he throws you against the leather seat so you're laying on your back, using his hand to bring your leg up to your chest, leaning close to you and enters your over sensitized hole to get nearer to your uterus.
-Aaahhh... it hurts daddy!- you shrill imploringly. He slows down his pace and sits up straight to avoid tearing you up further.
-But isn't this what your wanted, baby girl? -he utters salaciously rubbing your stomach with his large beautiful hand.
But you're too out of it to even think of a response, pulling at the roots of your own hair and taking Namjoon's unrelenting cock. After a few minutes of abuse he brings his tongue to your sensitive clitoris and kneads from side to side...
-Cum for me again, love...
-I can't, it's too much!
-Cum with me baby... let me soak my dick in that squishy creampie again, come on...
He rolls your clit again and you fight through the seering heat to push out another mind blowing orgasm that sends Namjoon into a frenzy that threatens to break your bones. Then, just when you can't take it anymore, and the chafing proves to be unbearable, he shoots his pearly load in and out of you with a resonant moan that makes your senses vibrate in relief.
He gathers all the fluid with his fingers and feeds it to you, completely transfixed by your hungry expression and reddened core. He licks the rest of the juice carefully with his tonge and drapes your stomach with gentle kisses before you drift off to sleep, utterly ruined and deliciously annihilated in his arms.
There's a noise here and there coating the feel of Namjoon's arms cradling you bridal style and laying you down on crisp sheets. You could rouse and ask him where has he brought you, but the curiosity is fastly replaced by the comfort beneath you and the sight of him slumping in your chest, fully dressed from head to toe and drawing his hand to cradle yours to cup the side of his face.
You can't help but wonder who he would have become if he hadn't followed in his father's steps, but the man that he is right now, sunken at your mercy and thankful for your love, is not an evil man. Instead he seems like a lost little boy who didn't get enough hugs growing up, a boy who would run from the world and into your arms for comfort, who would stop at nothing to prove how much he's willing to give himself to you, a boy who will never, ever, relinquish his unconditional love for you.

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