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You woke up the next day and immediately texted Jungkook: 'I'll tell them all I know'
He replied a few seconds later:
'I wanna be there for you if it's possible. I can take you to see Min Yoongi'.
After you accepted, he agreed to pick you up in an hour and before you knew it , the both of you were standing outside of Yoongi's office.
Before you even knocked, a tall redhead opened the door with dejected eyes and let you inside after she left. Yoongi's steely eyes fixed on you first, yet he shook Jungkook's hand out of courtesy.
-If you wanted to see me I could have gone out to you...- said the black hair agent as his handsome features seemed to harden with Jungkook's presence.
-Let's just get it over with...- you replied as you invited Yoongi's recorder to be set in motion by him.
For a good hour and a half you spilled every single incriminating detail you could think of about you drug dealer ex-boyfriend, while Jungkook added bits of information here and there. You procured that everything was provable by the FBI, since you had refused point black to testify in court, but judging by Yoongi's approving face expression, the details were going to be very useful to produce a harsher punishment in Namjoon's upcoming trial.
After you were done talking, you let a burst of air blow out of your mouth to which Yoongi responded by pouring a bottle of water on a glass for you to drink. He got up from his desk to give it to you while landing a hand on your back. With the corner of your eye you noticed how Jungkook's face expression turned to stone.
-I'm glad you made the right call...- Yoongi eased your mind while waiting patiently for you to stop gulping your water and taking the glass back from you. He lowered his head while doing so and you could listen to him speak under his breath in your ear... 'I'll stop by later, I'm sorry to keep you waiting...'
At the sound of those words you noticed your loins starting to convulse, but you were immediately brought back to reality when
Jungkook, who had been sitting in an armchair at the other end of the office got up with a racket and communicated his discontent by walking up to Yoongi and palming his shoulder with firmness.
-Well, we better go, you probably have to start the whole process as soon as possible, right?- said the younger heartthrob with a low pitch tone.
- I know how to do my job, thank you...- responded the agent with a glacial voice before you stood up carefully as to not fan the flames any further.
You walked to the door after bowing thank you to Yoongi, and Jungkook followed right behind you like he was picking up his kid from school. Out of the corner of your eye, the mixture of disdain and confusion in Yoongi's steely eyes was very noticeable by probably only you; but nonetheless you left without giving many explanations.
On the way to the car Jungkook didn't utter a word, but you knew his cogs were turning.
- Nothing's happened between him and I...- you announced as soon as you let yourself in the car, as opposed to him opening the door for you as usual.
-Oh...- he responds from the driver's seat as he pushes the ignition button of his car.
After a few minutes of him driving he speaks again.
-What about Kim Seokjin? I've noticed his hungry eyes too.
-What? No, he's with Lana...- you reply automatically -... I mean, I don't fully know what's their deal, but I'm pretty sure...
Kookie half hums and half grunts.
-I don't understand why so many, I mean...- you cut yourself off before finishing the sentence but Jungkook understands completely, because what he said next sent chills through your spine and made your hairs stand up on their ends:
-Because you are the most painfully attractive woman on Planet Earth as far as I'm concerned...
After a few seconds of you being rendered speechless by his unusually forward statement you finally come up with a good response:
-I thought you had seen better...
-I didn't know what the fuck I was saying back then.
Suddenly a powerful urge to launch yourself onto his pants came over you, but luckily the seatbelt was there to hold you back.
Instead you fixed your eyes on his beautiful side profile, his lips, his chiseled jawline, yet it only took a second for him to stare back at you. After a very short period of time, his eyes became darker while fixed on yours. You could tell every cell in his body wanted to have you and you were completely ready to be had. He nearly smashed the brakes and put the car on park right before he landed on your lips with force. You had almost forgotten what it felt like to kiss this God, every inch of his skin was soft like marshmallows, but his chest was hard like a wall. You let him swallow you whole while you grab his head and he digs his hand in the hair at the back of your neck. His lips and tongue are eating away at you while you sink further and further in you seat, making you aware that you're way past your melting point.
Then, a set of deafening, glass breaking sounds burst the exterior side mirror to your seat and your window shatteres as well.
-Get down! - screams a flustered Jungkook while he reaches for the gear stick but it's too late because a large hand is reaching in on your side and pins your neck to the seat while pointing a gun at him.
You recognize the man who is choking you as one of Namjoon employees...
-This is the bitch...- you hear him say as the steps of 3 other men enter the scene.
-Get out of the car, both of you...- orders Namjoon's employee and you and Jungkook obey.
He's now being held by two thugs pointing guns at him while you're cornered against the door of the car with the fire arm pointed at your head.
In the distance you can hear gunshots and yelling, probably coming from more criminals attacking Jin and the other guards that had been tailing Jungkook's car with a less rigid distance than normal. As you're being assaulted and every part of your body is trembling, all you can do is internally implore that Jin isn't dead and that they don't hurt Jungkook.
The third man came clearly into your field of vision wearing an expensive black suit and a disdainful expression as he positions himself beside your aggressor.
- So, this is the skank that my business partner fell for...
-Don't fucking touch her Hoseok!- you hear Jungkook's warning from behind you as you observe the pointy features of the slender figure in front of you.
His sharp jaw and elegant demeanor were a stark contrast to his heart shaped lips, but you knew better than to assume this man had any good intentions based on his handsome looks.
His eyebrows were arched as he scanned you up and down with disgust but you couldn't help but be intoxicated by his luxurious scent and his impeccable grace.
-I will admit there's some kink in fucking nerdy sluts like you...- Hoseok added in a lower tone while brushing your locks out of your face before getting closer and running up a long fingered hand through your thigh as he crouched down to match your height and cage you behind his stare even further. Jungkook was struggling in the back like a rabid dog.
-You don't wanna do that Mr. Jung...- said Namjoon's employee right before he was punched in the face so hard that he almost fell to the floor.
-Don't you ever interrupt me again, you stooge...- Jung Hoseok snapped before continuing on his derogatory monologue:
-Still, I can't believe Namjoon lost his shit for some cheap pussy and a pretty face...
You stay completely silent as the handsome man in front of your runs his fingers through his hair and continues to intimidate you with his evil stare, but when your phone rings, coming from inside the car, Jungkook uses this brief distraction to grab one of the guns pointed at him and shoot one of the thugs in the knee before hitting the other one in the throat, rendering him almost paralyzed from the pain.
The screams of the one that was shot were muffled by the gunshots coming from Namjoon's employee, but Jungkook jumped and slid on top of the hood of his car to kick the attacker in the stomach so hard that he fell on the floor one more time, followed by kicking Hoseok's hand who had just unveiled a gun from his jacket.
Jungkook landed on the pavement in front of him and Hoseok bent his knees and raised his fists with murderous intent in his eyes.
In that same moment, Jin came running following one of the guards and shot at the attackers while Jungkook and Hoseok were immersed in a violent fist fight, given that the latter had kicked the gun out of Jungkook's hands as well.
In the glimpse of an eye, an armored black SUV, skid its tires and pulled up close to Hoseok while its passengers released a shower of gunshots all over the place, which forced Jungkook, Jin and the guard to drop to the floor as the villain marched to the car and ordered the chauffeur to drive it away.
-I'll come back for you honey!- you heard Hoseok's foreboding announcement just before the SUV got back on the road, but at least Jungkook was safe and had punched Namjoon's employee unconscious, while Jin and the guard were pointing guns at the other two criminals.

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